Labial ganglion

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The labial ganglion ( ganglion labiale ) is a nerve cell node ( ganglion ) in the nervous system of native insects . It is one of the ganglia of the rope ladder nervous system as a feature of the arthropod .

The labial ganglion is one of the three anterior pairs of ganglia that supply the mouthparts ; it is also the mandibular ganglion (mandibular ganglion) and the maxillary ganglion (maxillary ganglion). The labial ganglion corresponds to the ganglion of the 2nd maxilla of the crustaceans . In higher insects, the three single ganglia merge to form the subterranean ganglion .


  • Labial ganglion. In: Herder-Lexikon der Biologie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2003, ISBN 3-8274-0354-5 .