Lac du Der-Chantecoq

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Lac du Der-Chantecoq
Location: France - Departments : Aube , Marne and Haute-Marne
Tributaries: Marne and Blaise
Drain: Marne
Larger places on the shore: Saint-Dizier , Vitry-le-François
Lac du Der-Chantecoq (France)
Lac du Der-Chantecoq
Coordinates 48 ° 34 '57 "  N , 4 ° 45' 33"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 34 '57 "  N , 4 ° 45' 33"  E
Data on the structure
Construction time: 1966-1974
Data on the reservoir
Water surface 48 km²dep1
Storage space 350 million m³

Bird sanctuary

The Lac du Der-Chantecoq (short Lac du Der, Marne reservoir ) is located in the southern Champagne , in the region Grand Est With nearly 48 square kilometers of the largest artificial lake in France , which for water sports such as with nature lovers due to its location in the sparsely populated northeastern France is known.


Construction of the reservoir began in 1966. It was inaugurated in 1974 by Robert Galley and Valéry Giscard d'Estaing . In addition to the Lac du Der , three other reservoirs were created in the region in the 20th century: the Seine reservoir Lac de la Forêt d'Orient (1966) and the Aube reservoirs Lac Amance (1990) and Lac du Temple .


The main function of the Lac du Der serves as a retention basin to protect the Marne Valley and, in the further course, above all the city of Paris from flooding and to ensure that the Seine in Paris has sufficient water levels in dry midsummer . The water level of the lake fluctuates strongly: it reaches its highest level every year in June (maximum 15 m) and then drops by up to 10 m by December.

Origin of name

It comes from the Celtic word for "oak", the most important tree for building houses and the typical half-timbered churches in the region. Chantecoq was one of the three flooded former villages that were in today's sea area; the other two were Nuisement-aux-Bois and Champaubert-aux-Bois .

Crane stage destination

Great crested grebe

The Lac du Der in the French Champagne is mainly known to bird lovers because of the passing and resting cranes . Thousands of cranes gather here every autumn. On Sunday, November 3, 2019, 268,120 cranes were counted, a new all-time record for all resting places on the western migration route. This was 206,000 cranes from 2014, also on Lac du Der (see web links).

The cranes then fly from Champagne in two more stages to their winter quarters in southern France and the Spanish Extremadura , some fly even further to Morocco . Around 8,000 cranes now also spend the winter on Lac du Der Chantecoq.

In spring (late February / early March) the cranes return to northern Europe on the same route.

Also sand martins are available in the summer in large numbers. Numerous birds of prey nest here.


Port of Giffaumont Champaubert
Port of Giffaumont Champaubert
  • Street of half-timbered churches and stained glass windows from the 16th century
  • Open air museums
  • Castles
  • Sailboat / Motorboat Harbor - Water Sports
  • Bathing beaches
  • Campsites

Web links

Commons : Lac du Der-Chantecoq  - Collection of images, videos and audio files