Lajos Ilosvay de Nagyilosva

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Lajos Ilosvay

Lajos Ilosvay de Nagyilosva , also Ludwig, (born October 31, 1851 in Dej , † September 30, 1936 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian chemist.

Ilosvay de Nagyilosva studied chemistry at the University of Budapest from 1872 and received his doctorate there in 1875 and was then assistant at the Budapest University of Technology. From 1880 to 1882 he went to Heidelberg, Munich and Paris to study. After his return he became professor of chemistry at the TH Budapest in 1882, where he was dean of the chemistry faculty from 1886 to 1892 and dean of the architecture and engineering faculty from 1893 to 1898. In 1914 he became State Secretary in the Ministry of Culture. From 1917 to 1934 he was a professor of inorganic and analytical chemistry at the University of Budapest.

He did research mainly in analytical chemistry. Among other things, he used an organic synthesis reaction used in the dye chemistry of Johann Peter Grieß for the production of diazonium salts for the detection of nitrites (Grieß-Ilosvay reagent). In the presence of nitrite, an aromatic amine (naphthylamine) is diazotized with sulfanilic acid .

He developed methods for determining ethyne and oxygen in gas analysis and nitrogen oxides in the air.

Ilosvay de Nagyilosva also dealt with the question of how the taste of substances and their constitution are related.


  • The basic principles of chemistry 1888


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