Lamprologus tumbanus

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Lamprologus tumbanus
Lamprologus tumbanus.jpg

Lamprologus tumbanus

Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Lamprologini
Genre : Lamprologus
Type : Lamprologus tumbanus
Scientific name
Lamprologus tumbanus
Boulenger , 1899

Lamprologus tumbanus is an African cichlid species that only occurs in Lake Tumba in the western Congo Basin .


Lamprologus tumbanus has an elongated body and is a maximum of 9 cm long. The body height is 26 to 29% of the standard length . The head length is around 35% of the standard length. The fish are gray with a purple sheen, five blackish crossbars on the flanks and scales with a dark border. The gills and cheeks have a reddish shimmer, the fins are gray or black. The rear tips of the elongated dorsal and anal fin extend to the middle of the caudal fin. This is paddle-shaped to lanceolate and large. The pectoral fins are relatively short and do not reach the anus , while the pelvic fins are long (about 25% of the standard length) and reach the point between the anus and the attachment of the anal fin. The teeth in both jaws are single-pointed and sharp. At the very front of the symphysis there are six greatly enlarged fangs. The small teeth of the inner rows of teeth are arranged in 3 to 4 irregular rows.

Lamprologus tumbanus differs from all other Lamprologus species of the Congo Basin in the smaller number of its lateral line scales (29 to 31 vs. 32 or more) and the smaller number of vertebrae (28 or 29 vs. 30 or more). The bowel is short and half the length of the standard length. Stomach and intestinal examinations revealed the remains of small crustaceans, especially mussel crabs , as well as insects.


Individual evidence