Land book of the six offices

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The Landbuch der Sechsämter from 1499 is the first property register of the Sechsämterland as part of the Brandenburg-Kulmbach Margraviate .

The Sechsämterland refers to an administrative division of the Brandenburg-Kulmbach margraves for today's district of Wunsiedel , which was occupied by officials . The land book of the six offices, like the land book of Hof , was created at the time of Margrave Friedrich II and is a first precise description of the ownership structure. It is an important source of local history research. Some places are mentioned there for the first time, the book continues to offer reference points for desert research . For border descriptions, among other things, boundary stones and striking landscape points were used, for example the Zellerfels and the Hohe Stein . It also contains many terrain and field names, the Kühberg and the Silberbach were first mentioned by name. The local researcher Friedrich Wilhelm Singer is the editor of an edited version of this source.


  • Friedrich Wilhelm Singer : The land book of the six offices from 1499 . Wunsiedel 1987.
  • Rudolf Thiem: Disappeared Villages and Settlements in the Western Fichtel Mountains . Hof 2002. p. 37 u. a.