State Institute for Crop Production Forchheim

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The State Institute for Plant Production Forchheim (LAP) was active from 1927 on research questions relating to German tobacco cultivation and its processing. From 1954 to 1970 the institute was called the Federal Agency for Tobacco Research , then the State Agency for Tobacco Production and Research. Renamed in 1996 to LAP, research in the field of crop production and especially renewable raw materials was carried out. Numerous works on exotic and special cultures, especially Jerusalem artichokes, were produced at the LAP .

The LAP was dissolved on December 31, 2006 and merged with the State Institute for Plant Protection Stuttgart (LfP) and the Agricultural Investigation and Research Institute Augustenberg (LUFA) to form a new institution, the Agricultural Technology Center Augustenberg (LTZ).


The institute was founded on April 1, 1927 under the name Tobacco Research Institute, and Paul Koenig was named as director . An eventful story followed with different names, tasks and owners:

  • 1936 - change to Dt. Reich , the institute is named Reichsanstalt für Tobacco Research
  • 1945 - Incorporation under the name Tobacco Research Institute in the district of North Baden
  • 1953 - Change to the federal government, renamed the Federal Agency for Tobacco Research
  • 1970 - Change to the state of Baden-Württemberg (with the participation of Rhineland-Palatinate ), the name changes to the state institute for tobacco production and tobacco research
  • 1972 - Assumption of tasks in the field of general crop production
  • 1979 - Incorporation of the Donaueschingen Saatbauamt (investigations and research in the field of potatoes), renaming to the State Institute for Crop Production and Tobacco Research
  • 1985 - Renaming to the State Institute for Plant Production (LAP)
  • 1992 - Organizational affiliation of the but technically independent Institute for Environmentally Sound Land Management Müllheim (IfuL). After the dissolution of the Tobacco Research Institute Dresden, the LAP is now the only state agency in Germany that still deals with the tobacco sector.
  • 2006 - Dissolution of the LAP, the successor institution from several former state institutions is the Agricultural Technology Center Augustenberg, the former LAP largely continues to exist as a branch in Rheinstetten-Forchheim.

Areas of responsibility

Tobacco and tobacco research were the origins of the institute. As one can see very well from the historical development, the main focus shifted steadily from 1972 in the direction of general crop production , while the importance of tobacco research decreased strongly. From 1985, tobacco completely disappeared from the name of the state institution. Tobacco research ended after the LTZ Augustenberg was founded.

Cultivation issues in many agriculturally used crops have become of central importance, but unusual crops and exotic crops have also been examined for their suitability for cultivation.

A topical topic up to the present is the cultivation of so-called renewable raw materials for energy or raw material production, with which the LAP has been concerned since around 1989. In the context of the general increase in the price of fossil fuels and the great importance of topics such as carbon dioxide emissions and climate change , this is an important area of ​​research for the future.


  • Manfred G. Raupp: The development of tobacco cultivation in Germany with special consideration of the development in the community of Staffort ; Engineering school Nürtingen 1962; 2nd expanded edition, Lörrach 2012
  • Paul Schweiger: Rauchzeichen: Chronicle of tobacco research in Forchheim from 1927 to 2006 with the branches in Donaueschingen, Müllheim, Ladenburg, Rottweil and Sigmaringen. Karlsruhe: Schweiger, 2010. ISBN 978-3-00-032355-3

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