Paul Koenig

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Paul Franz Koenig (born February 22, 1881 in Ellwangen (Jagst) , † October 23, 1954 in Karlsruhe ) was a German pharmacist and agricultural scientist who became known as an outstanding tobacco researcher.


Paul Koenig was born as the 12th child of the transfer commissioner Georg Koenig. After his parents died, the five-year-old boy was taken in by the Heller family of smallholders and miners in Röthardt. He was noticed by his intelligence in the elementary school Wasseralfingen , he was able to attend the high school in Ellwangen with waiver of school fees.

He studied pharmacy from 1897 to 1904 with stays in Wolfegg , Saulgau, Castrop (Westphalia), Beek-Ruhrort and Trossingen. König began studying chemistry in Strasbourg in 1904 and completed it in 1907 at the TH Stuttgart with the pharmaceutical state examination. In order to be able to study plant breeding and agricultural chemistry, he went to the University of Rostock (1907–1909) and wrote his dissertation there: “Studies on the stimulating and toxic chromium compounds in plants, especially in crops”. Then he was an assistant at the agricultural college in Bonn- Poppelsdorf until 1911 , where he was appointed head of an agricultural research station near Cairo .

During the First World War Paul König worked as an expert at the Office for Army Provisions in Ludwigsburg and from 1916–1918 on behalf of the Foreign Office in Turkey . After he returned to Germany in 1919, he worked as a consultant for agricultural issues in the "Red Sea District" (Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Arabia, Palestine) at the Foreign Office in Berlin and as an expert for fiber.

In 1927 he was appointed founding director of the Tobacco Research Institute in Forchheim near Karlsruhe, whose director he remained until he retired in 1951; In 1938 he was appointed professor.

Paul König was an internationally recognized tobacco researcher. By breeding nicotine-free and low-nicotine tobacco varieties, he naturally solved the problem of denicotinization. About 300 publications dealing with chemistry, pharmacy, fibers and tobacco come from his pen. König worked on various relevant manuals. In addition, various specialist films about tobacco were made under his guidance.


Works (selection)

  • Studies on the stimulating and toxic effects of the different chromium compounds on plants, especially on agricultural crops. Dissertation. Merseburg 1910.
  • Long-life meat and sausage to supply the army and people. Berlin 1916.
  • Tobacco growing in Germany from seed to harvest. Berlin 1933.
  • World economy of cotton (with A. cell). Berlin 1933.
  • The discovery of pure nicotine in 1828 at the University of Heidelberg by Reimann and Posselt. Bremen 1940.


  • Horst Jörg König:  Koenig, Paul. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 12, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1980, ISBN 3-428-00193-1 , p. 348 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Wolfgang-Hagen Hein, Holm-Dietmar Schwarz: German Pharmacist Biography Supplementary Volume I
  • Manfred G. Raupp: The development of tobacco cultivation in Germany with special consideration of the development in the community of Staffort ; Engineering school Nürtingen 1962; 2nd expanded edition, Lörrach 2012
  • Paul Schweiger: Rauchzeichen: Chronicle of tobacco research in Forchheim from 1927 to 2006 with the branches in Donaueschingen, Müllheim, Ladenburg, Rottweil and Sigmaringen. Karlsruhe: Schweiger, 2010. ISBN 978-3-00-032355-3

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal , small matriculation, SS 1907, No. 5