State working group of institutions for women's and gender research in Lower Saxony

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The state working group of institutions for women and gender research in Lower Saxony ( LAGEN ) is a network of institutions for women and gender research and associated members who feel connected to the LAGEN. The working group was founded in December 2007. As of 2014, it had eight member institutions. A coordination office was opened in Hanover in January 2014 .


The main goals of the LAGEN are:

  • the strengthening, further development and networking of the institutions of women and gender research in Lower Saxony as well as the support and development of new institutions in Lower Saxony
  • the further development and institutionalization of gender studies in Lower Saxony, also in areas that are not yet sufficiently anchored in the respective institutions
  • the support of academic careers in gender studies, for example through the continuation of the interdisciplinary Lower Saxony doctoral day gender studies
  • the organization of network meetings and events on topics of gender studies, for example through the LAGEN annual conference as the central scientific event of the LAGEN network
  • the development of a coordinated representation of interests in science policy, which also includes the mutual exchange of information with representatives of the LNHF (State Conference of Lower Saxony University Women’s Representative)
  • the representation and visualization of the LAGEN to the outside.


On May 14, 2014, the LAGEN adopted its own rules of procedure, which also regulate the various forms of membership. These are:

  • In principle, institutional membership is open to women's and gender research institutions in Lower Saxony.
  • Associated institutional membership can be established by institutions in Lower Saxony that do not carry out women's and gender research by name and by order, but can prove that they have been involved in the field of women's and gender research for a long time, e.g. through corresponding research projects, event formats or Announcements for young scientists.
  • The individual membership is aimed at individuals who want to establish an individual membership in order to contribute to the LAGEN as an individual.
  • Associated individual membership is open to all individuals active in women's and gender research who have no connection to one of the LAGEN member institutions in Lower Saxony.
  • The special membership is a form of membership for members of the Joint Commission of the LAGEN. It applies in cases in which, due to structural changes, an individual who has actively worked in the LAGEN is no longer connected to the original member institution or has changed.

Publication series

Since January 2017, scientific articles from women's and gender studies have been published in the publication series Zum Self-Understanding of Gender Studies / L'AGENda . The book series is published by Barbara Budrich Verlag . The contributions of the first volume Methods - Methodologies - Theoretical Discussions and Empirical Translation discuss the relationship between theories, methodologies and methods for the self-understanding of gender studies and outline the historical development of these debates. In addition, specific methodological and methodological approaches (e.g. from discourse research, actor network theory and intersectionality research) are presented on the basis of selected research projects.

In the second volume, Technik Raum Bildung (2018), questions are asked about the meaning of gender in relation to engineering sciences as well as spatial sciences, educational sciences and transculturality. For the first time in this context, the focus is on women entrepreneurs and health services research. In addition, the authors deal with the current challenges of women's and gender studies as a critical science that increasingly focuses on current social developments (anti-genderism through right-wing populism, etc.).

The third volume restore - interrupt - change? Politiken der (Re) Production (2018) negotiates central issues in women's and gender research for the creation and restoration of gender and social gender relations. Following a broad understanding of reproduction, the five clusters “Biographies”, “Care”, “People and Machines”, “Spaces” and “Knowledge and Institutions” deal with various aspects of this (re) creation of social gender relations in their contested nature and Contradictions considered - each from an interdisciplinary perspective.



The LAGEN is represented externally by two spokespersons who are elected by the LAGEN Joint Commission for two years.

For the 2013-2015 electoral term and the 2015-2017 electoral term, these are:

The speakers represent the LAGEN vis-à-vis German-speaking and international women and gender studies as well as interventions in science policy. You lead the meetings of the Joint Commission of the LAGEN and report on the activities of the LAGEN to the Ministry for Science and Culture of Lower Saxony.

Joint Commission

The LAGEN Joint Commission is the main working and decision-making body of the LAGEN. The joint commission includes: the two elected spokespersons of the LAGEN, the coordinator and the LAGEN member institutions not represented by the spokespersons. All members belonging to the Joint Commission of LAGEN are entitled to vote. Each of the member institutions represented in the Joint Commission has one vote. The Joint Commission decides with a simple majority on all matters that are brought before it, including the financial planning of the coordination office and applications for membership.

Member institutions belonging to the Joint Commission (in alphabetical order according to location, information as of May 2014)

General meeting

The general assembly of the LAGEN is the body of all LAGEN members. It meets at least once a year and serves to inform the members about the work of the LAGEN and to advise on current affairs, to network and to develop joint projects and activities.

Coordination office

The coordination office is the central office of the LAGEN. It is located at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media . The coordination office was set up in 2013 thanks to the personnel and material resources approved by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture. The office is currently in the second funding period (2017-2019) from the Lower Saxony Ministry for Science and Culture.

The coordination office supports the work of the LAGEN spokespersons and the joint commission primarily by taking on the following tasks: Information and networking of the members of the LAGEN network; Development, implementation and maintenance of suitable instruments for public relations work for the LAGEN; Advising the next generation of academics in Lower Saxony's women's and gender studies; Development and implementation of suitable instruments for the promotion of young talent in the women and gender studies; Planning and conducting of events (workshops, conferences); Documentation of LAGEN activities and preparation of evaluations; Publication of results from women's and gender studies.

In addition, the coordination office answers all questions about the different forms of membership in the LAGEN.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Establishment of the state working group of institutions for women's and gender research in Lower Saxony (LAGEN)" . Website of the Research Center for Music and Gender (fmg). Retrieved May 22, 2014.
  2. Onnen, Corinna / Rode-Breymann, Susanne (ed.) 2017: On the self-image of gender studies methods - methodologies - theoretical discussions and empirical translations
  3. Onnen, Corinna / Rode-Breymann, Susanne (ed.) 2017: On the Self-Image of Gender Studies II / L'AGENda Technology, Space Education
  4. Onnen, Corinna / Rode-Breymann, Susanne (Ed.) 2018: Restoring - Interrupting - Changing? Politics of (re-) production / L'AGENda