Provincial Council (Lippe)

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From 1945 to 1946, the regional council was an appointed advisory body in Lippe . He was the forerunner of the Appointed Landtag .

After the Second World War , Lippe was part of the British zone of occupation. The British military government continued Henry Drake , a country as president. On May 10, 1945, he issued a “Provisional Order for the Administration of the Lippe Land”. Point 4 of this regulation stipulated that a regional council was to be set up with which it was to discuss all fundamental and general questions. This should consist of four mayors, four representatives from agriculture and four representatives from trade. Half of the last two groups should be employees. From June to August 1945 he discussed various name proposals with the military government. With the consent of the military government, the following persons were appointed:

Surname group job place Political party
Richard Moes mayor Mayor, formerly an administrative officer Detmold CDU
Gustav Hagemann mayor Rector and Mayor Listen
Heinrich Klocke Industry & Commerce / Employers Master carpenter Rischenau CDU
Erich Kükenhöner Agriculture / workers Farm workers Heathens
Heinrich Sölter mayor Postman and Mayor Barntrup SPD
Heinrich Gottenström Industry & Commerce / Employees Union secretary Heidenoldendorf SPD
Fritz Höfer mayor Farmer and mayor Brosen
Wilhelm Tölle Agriculture / Employer Farmer Humfeld CDU
August Blanke Agriculture / workers Farm workers Holzhausen / Sylbach SPD
Heinrich Kampmeier Industry & Commerce / Employees locksmith Detmold
Heinrich Braband Agriculture / Employer farmer Ullenhausen
Alex Hofmann Industry & Commerce / Employers Manufacturer Detmold CDU

The party details in the list represent the party membership in the later appointed Landtag. During the activity of the Landesrat, the process of party formation was not yet completed (parties were only admitted from September). Two of the members of the regional council had been members of the NSDAP , one of them as a local farmer leader. The constituent meeting of the National Council took place on August 16, 1945. It then met monthly. A total of 10 meetings took place.
