Landesunfallkasse Lower Saxony

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Landesunfallkasse Lower Saxony
social insurance Accident insurance
legal form Public corporation
founding 1.1.1998
Jurisdiction State of Lower Saxony
Seat Hanover
Board Nikolaus Bettels
Board of Directors Thomas Schmidt
Managing directors Roland Tunsch
Supervisory authority State of Lower Saxony
Insured 87 companies

108,486 employees

Budget volume 33,361,526 (2018)

The Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen is a legally competent state corporation under public law with self-administration (based in Hanover ). It is one of the accident insurance carriers of the statutory accident insurance listed under Section 114 SGB VII .


Your task is to prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases as well as work-related health hazards in accordance with the Seventh Book of the Social Code (SGB VII) with all suitable means and to restore the health and productivity of the insured by all suitable means after the occurrence of occupational accidents or diseases Compensate survivors through cash benefits.

The municipal accident insurance association of Hanover performs the statutory accident insurance tasks incumbent on the accident insurance company in accordance with the administrative agreement between the municipal accident insurance association of Hanover and the accident insurance company.


The Unfallkasse is responsible for its companies (administrations, institutions and companies) in the area of ​​Lower Saxony. This also includes companies operated in an independent legal form in which the state, alone or together with municipalities or associations of municipalities, another state or the federal government, has a predominant direct or indirect stake, or on whose bodies it has a decisive influence (Section 128 (1) No. 1 a, 129 a SGB VII). This also applies to companies operated in an independent legal form in which the state is predominantly involved alone or together with municipalities or associations of municipalities or has a decisive influence on their organs and which are assigned to the accident insurance fund by the state of Lower Saxony (Section 218 d SGB VII i. V. m. § 128 Abs. 4 SGB VII in the version of August 7, 1996).

Furthermore, it is responsible for corporations, institutions or foundations under public law for which the Unfallkasse has become an insurance carrier according to other statutory provisions, as well as for the companies (administrations, institutions, facilities and businesses) of the state (Section 128 (1) No. 1 SGB VII).

The following persons are insured with the Lower Saxony State Accident Insurance Fund according to SGB VII:

  • Employees in the companies in the state as well as persons who work as employees in these companies (Section 2 Paragraph 1 No. 1 and Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 SGB VII),
  • Apprentices during vocational education and training in production facilities, training workshops, training courses and similar institutions, if a company in the state is responsible for material costs (§§ 2 Paragraph 1 No. 2, 136 Paragraph 3 No. 3 SGB VII),
  • Persons who undergo examinations, tests or similar measures that are required by legal provisions to take up an insured activity or as a result of a completed insured activity, insofar as the measure was initiated by a company in the state (§§ 2 Paragraph 1 No. 3, 128 para. 1 no. 5 SGB VII),
  • disabled people who work in workshops for disabled people recognized in accordance with the Disabled Persons Act or in workshops for the blind recognized in accordance with the Sales of Blind Goods Act or for these facilities in home work, provided that the Accident Insurance Fund is responsible for the facilities mentioned (§§ 2 Paragraph 1 No. 4, 128 Paragraph 1 No. 1 SGB VII),
  • Children during attendance of day care facilities, the providers of which require a permit in accordance with Section 45 of Book Eight of the Social Code or a permit based on a corresponding state law regulation, as well as during care by suitable day care staff within the meaning of Section 23 of Book VIII of the Social Code (Section 2, Paragraph 2) . 1 No. 8 a SGB VII),
  • Schoolchildren while attending general or vocational schools and while participating in care measures carried out by the school immediately before or after lessons or in cooperation with it (Section 2 (1) No. 8 b SGB VII),
  • Students during training and further education at universities (Section 2, Paragraph 1, No. 8 c SGB VII), if the state is responsible for material costs or if it involves visiting day care facilities, free youth welfare organizations or other private, as non-profit, in Acts as day care centers recognized by tax law or by private schools or private universities or is cared for by suitable day care workers as defined in Section 23 of Book VIII of the Social Code (Sections 128 (1) No. 1 and 3, 136 (3) No. 3 SGB VII) ,
  • Persons who work on a voluntary basis for corporations, institutions or foundations under public law or their associations or working groups or for institutions for which the Accident Insurance Fund is responsible, or for private law organizations on behalf of or with express consent, in special cases with the written approval of local authorities or take part in training events for this activity (§§ 2 Paragraph 1 No. 10, 128 Paragraph 1 No. 1, Paragraph 3 Sentence 1.136 Paragraph 3 No. 5 SGB VII),
  • Persons (Section 2 Paragraph 1 No. 11a SGB VII) who are called upon to support an official act by a corporation, institution or foundation under public law for which the Accident Insurance Fund is responsible,
  • Persons (Section 2 (1) No. 11b SGB VII) who are called upon as witnesses to gather evidence by an authorized public authority in the state,
  • Persons who donate blood or their own organs, parts of organs or tissue, provided that the Accident Insurance Fund is responsible for the company that carries out the measure to obtain blood or tissue (§§ 2 Paragraph 1 No. 13 b, 133 Paragraph 1 SGB VII ). This also applies to persons who work abroad if they have their domicile or habitual residence in Germany,
  • Persons who receive inpatient or partial inpatient treatment or inpatient, partial inpatient or outpatient services for medical rehabilitation at the expense of a health insurance fund for which the Unfallkasse is responsible (§§ 2 Paragraph 1 No. 15 a, 128 Paragraph 1 No. 1, 136 Para. 3 No. 2 SGB VII),
  • People who take part in preventive measures at the expense of the Accident Insurance Fund in accordance with Section 3 of the Occupational Diseases Ordinance (Section 2 (1) No. 15 c, 132, 136 (3) No. 2 SGB VII),
  • Persons who act as employees during a deprivation of liberty ordered on the basis of a law or on the basis of an order issued by a criminal judge, public prosecutor or youth authority (§§ 2 Paragraph 2 Sentence 2, 128 Paragraph 1 No. 8 SGB VII),
  • Persons who, like employees, work for non-commercial owners of vehicles or riding animals (§§ 2 Paragraph 2, 128 Paragraph 1 No. 9 SGB VII),
  • Germans who are employed abroad by an official representation of the state or by their heads, German members or employees (§§ 2 Paragraph 3 No. 1.128 Paragraph 1 No. 10 SGB VII),
  • People who are not employed by a national company but who are on the company's premises on behalf of or with the consent of the entrepreneur,
  • People who can voluntarily take out insurance against the consequences of occupational accidents and diseases. This includes people who regularly work independently as entrepreneurs in corporations or partnerships (entrepreneur-like people) or elected volunteers in non-profit organizations, provided that the Accident Insurance Fund is also responsible for the company and does not already insure them on the basis of other regulations are.
  • Accident insurance cover also exists for volunteers and civic volunteers, insofar as they are not already legally insured in accordance with Section 2 SGB VII and insofar as they cannot voluntarily take out statutory accident insurance. The activity must be carried out free of charge, serve the common good and be carried out for an organization which, without the intention of making a profit, carries out tasks that are in the public interest or promote charitable or benevolent purposes. The insurance also includes people who have their place of residence or habitual abode abroad.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Landesunfallkasse Hannover: statutes of January 1, 1998. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on October 22, 2014 ; accessed on August 4, 2019 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 121 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. § 2 I statutes of the Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen from January 1, 1998 including the 8th amendment of May 23, 2011 ( Memento of the original from October 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 121 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. § 2 II statutes of the Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen dated January 1, 1998 including the 8th amendment of May 23, 2011 ( Memento of the original of October 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 121 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. § 3 I + II statutes of the Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen from January 1, 1998 including the 8th amendment from May 23, 2011 ( Memento of the original from October 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked . Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 121 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  5. § 3 III statutes of the Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen from January 1, 1998 including the 8th amendment from May 23, 2011 ( memento of the original from October 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 121 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. § 4 I statutes of the Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen dated January 1, 1998 including the 8th amendment of May 23, 2011 ( memento of the original of October 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 121 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. § 34 statutes of the Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen from January 1, 1998 including the 8th amendment of May 23, 2011 ( memento of the original from October 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 121 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. § 34 a statutes of the Landesunfallkasse Niedersachsen from January 1, 1998 including the 8th amendment of May 23, 2011 ( Memento of the original from October 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. (PDF; 121 kB) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /

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