Wuerttemberg-Baden rural women's association

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State Women's Association Württemberg-Baden
purpose Political, social and economic advocacy of women in rural areas, recognized provider of rural adult education
Seat Stuttgart
founding April 30, 1947

President Marie-Luise Linckh
Members approx. 53,000
Website www.landfrauen-bw.de

The Landfrauenverband Württemberg-Baden eV ( proper spelling LandFrauenverband Württemberg-Baden ) is an independent women's association founded in 1947 and with 53,000 members (as of January 2019) belongs to the German Rural Women's Association . The head office is in Stuttgart . The association area includes the regions of North Württemberg-North Baden.


The first rural women's association was founded in East Prussia in 1898 by Elisabet Boehm to offer further training opportunities for women in rural areas. This resulted in a Reich Association in 1916, the first chairman of which was Boehm. In 1916 , Princess Therese zu Hohenlohe-Waldenburg founded the first agricultural housewives' association in Öhringen in the south-west of Germany . In 1933 the agricultural housewives' associations were dissolved and incorporated into the Reichsnährstand .

The rural women’s association Württemberg-Baden was founded on April 30, 1947 in Ludwigsburg with Marie-Luise Leutrum zu Ertingen as its first president. Regina Frankenfeld became the first managing director. The office was initially located in Unterriexingen Castle , and since 1950 in Stuttgart .

The association's educational and social service, founded in 1984, is a recognized provider of rural adult education . The working group of the three rural women's associations in Baden-Württemberg with the rural women's associations in Southern Baden, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern has existed since 1986 . Over 80,000 rural women are currently united at the state level.


The association supports women in rural areas with educational and cultural offers and offers them support in different life situations.

The educational and social work of the rural women’s association wants to give women access to qualified jobs and is committed to the social upgrading and recognition of women's work in the family, work and voluntary work.

District and local associations

The rural women’s association Württemberg-Baden extends from Ulm to Mannheim and from Main-Tauber to the Eastern Alb. The association is organized into 24 district associations and 615 local associations. The district associations are:

  • Blaubeuren
  • Boeblingen
  • Crailsheim
  • Esslingen
  • Enzkreis
  • Gaildorf
  • Geislingen
  • Goeppingen
  • Heidelberg
  • Heidenheim
  • Heilbronn
  • Hohenlohe
  • Karlsruhe
  • Ludwigsburg
  • Main deaf
  • Mannheim
  • Neckar-Odenwald
  • Nürtingen
  • Eastern Alb
  • Rems-Murr
  • Schwäbisch Gmünd
  • Schwäbisch Hall
  • Stuttgart
  • Ulm


Web links

  • Homepage of the rural women’s association Württemberg-Baden

Individual evidence

  1. Beate Krieg: Rural women movement in transition - goals, content, challenges and perspectives. In: Heidrich, Hermann (Hrsg.): Frauenwelten: work, life, politics and perspectives in the country . Verlag Fränkisches Freilandmuseum, Bad Windsheim 1999, ISBN 3-926834-41-2 , p. 79-98 .