District Court of Nordhalben

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Boundary stone from 1821: marked with KB ( Kingdom of Bavaria ) and LL ( Landgericht Lauenstein ) on the northeast side, KB (Kingdom of Bavaria) and LT (Landgericht Teuschnitz) on the southeast side, the coat of arms of the Duchy of Saxony-Meiningen and SM (Saxony-Meiningen) and AS (Amt Sonneberg) on ​​the west side.

The district court of Nordhalben was a Bavarian district court of the older order that existed from 1803 to 1879 and was based in Nordhalben in today's Kronach district . In the Kingdom of Bavaria , the regional courts were judicial and administrative authorities, which were replaced in administrative matters by the district offices in 1862 and in legal matters by the local courts in 1879 .

In 1803, the Teuschnitz district court was established in the course of the administrative restructuring of Bavaria . After the establishment of the Kingdom of Bavaria, this was added to the Main District .

In 1837 the seat of the district court was moved from Teuschnitz to Nordhalben .
