Schmittmecke nature reserve south of Westfeld

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The landscape protection area Schmittmecke south of Westfeld with a size of 8.3  hectares lies in the urban area of Schmallenberg . The area was in 2008 by the council of Hochsauerlandkreises with the landscape plan Schmallenberg Southeast as a conservation area designated (LSG). These are valley areas of the Schmittmecke . The LSG goes as far as the Westfeld houses .

The Schmittmecke landscape protection area south of Westfeld was designated as one of 58 type C landscape protection areas, meadow valleys and significant extensive grassland in the urban area of ​​Schmallenberg. As in the other type C landscape protection areas in Schmallenberg, the LSG prohibits the conversion of grassland and fallow grassland into arable land or other forms of use. First afforestation and the creation of Christmas tree crops is prohibited. A maximum of two years of arable use within twelve years is permitted, provided that this prepares the renewal of the sward. This is considered an extended nursing shift . In the case of extended care changes , a minimum distance of five meters from the central water bed must be maintained.

Protection purpose

The designation was made to supplement the nature reserve designation in the Schmallenberg floodplains to create a network of open-land biotopes so that animals and plants retain the opportunity to migrate and spread, and to preserve the occurrence of protected bird species and protect species-rich plant communities.

See also


  • Hochsauerlandkreis - Lower Landscape Authority: Schmallenberg Southeast landscape plan . Meschede 2008, p. 90 ff.

Coordinates: 51 ° 9 ′ 22.2 "  N , 8 ° 25 ′ 24.4"  E