Langeoog (ship, 1896)

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Langeoog p1
Ship data
flag German EmpireThe German Imperium German Empire
Ship type Steamship
Shipyard Rickmers shipyard , Geestemünde
Build number 92
Launch 1896
Commissioning 1896
Whereabouts unknown
Ship dimensions and crew
30.83 m ( Lüa )
width 6.25 m
measurement 141 GRT
crew 10 men
Machine system
machine Steam engine
225 hp (165 kW)
propeller 1

The Langeoog was a steamship owned by the North German Lloyd .


The Langeoog had initially 1,896 A. and D. Köhler as shipowners and, from 1897, the company Wieting. On December 3, 1903, Norddeutsche Lloyd took over the ship and transferred it from Germany to East Asia. Of Simpson Harbor in the colony German New Guinea from which was Langeoog for trips used in the local island territory.

On May 1, 1910, Lloyd sold the ship to Deutsche Südseephosphat AG . The Südseephosphat AG operated the mining of phosphate on the island of Angaur , which was one of the German Palau Islands at the time. The company used the ship between Angaur and the Caroline island of Jap . Since the Langeoog turned out to be too small for the needs of society, it was replaced by the three times larger Wiegand . In 1911 Südseephosphat AG sold Langeoog to China. Her further fate is not known.


  • Hermann Joseph Hiery : Die Deutsche Südsee 1884-1914 , Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 2001, pages 175, 188
  • Erich Gröner : The German warships 1815-1945 Volume 7, Bernard & Graefe, Koblenz 1990, page 225