Larry Gottheim

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Larry Gottheim (* 1936 in New York City , USA ; lives there) is an American avant-garde film artist and experimental filmmaker .

life and work

Larry Gottheim himself taught filmmaking with 16mm film material and became one of America's leading avant-garde filmmakers in the 1960s.

From his series of “ single-shot ” films from the late 1960s, he has developed through the dense sound / image constructions of the mid-1970s to contemporary cinema.

Gottheim's work cannot be directly assigned to any genre . He is one of the structural filmmakers with his intensive investigations into the paradoxes between direct, sensual experience in dialogue with complex cinematic structures of repetition, expectation and memory.

Gottheim developed the Department of Cinema at Binghamton University in New York and taught there for more than thirty years. This hugely influential department has an impact on the most talented artists, scientists and filmmakers to this day, including Ken Jacobs , Hollis Frampton , Peter Kubelka and Ernie Gehr and many others. In the 1990s Gottheim was also director of the film makers' cooperative in New York for a short time .

Larry Gottheim took part in Documenta 5 in Kassel in 1972 with the films Barn Rushes and Fog Line in the Film Show: New American Cinema department . His films are in the collections of major museums and archives around the world. A retrospective of his early films premiered at the 2005 New York Film Festival.


  • Barn Rushes (1971) 8 min 16 mm
  • Blues (1970) 8.5 min 16 mm
  • Corn (1970) 10.5 min 16 mm
  • Doorway (1971) 8 min 16 mm
  • Elective Affinities (1971–1980) with:
    • Horizons (Elective Affinities I: Overature)
    • Mouches Volantes (Elective Affinities II)
    • Four Shadows (Elective Affinities III)
    • Tree of Knowledge (Elective Affinities IV)
  • Fog Line (1970) 11 min 16 mm
  • Four Shadows (Elective Affinities III) (1978) 64 min 16 mm
  • Harmonica (with Shelley Berde, 1970–1971) 11 min 16 mm
  • Horizons (Elective Affinities I: Overature) (1971-1973) 80 min 16 mm
  • Machete / Gillette . . . Mama (1989) 45 min 16 mm
  • Mnemosyne Mother of Muses (1987) 18 min 16 mm
  • Mouches Volantes (Elective Affinities II) (1976) 68 min 16 mm
  • Natural Selection (1984) 35:15 min 16 mm
  • The Red Thread (1987) 17 min 16 mm
  • "Sorry / Hear Us" (1986) 8 min 16 mm
  • Thought (1971) 7 min 16 mm
  • Tree of Knowledge (Elective Affinities IV) (1980) 57:45 min 16 mm
  • Your Television Traveler (1991)

Literature and Sources

  • Exhibition catalog: documenta 5. Survey of Reality - Imagery Today ; Catalog (as a file folder) Volume 1: (Material); Volume 2: (list of exhibits); Kassel 1972
  • documenta archive (ed.); Resubmission d5 - A survey of the archive on documenta 1972 ; Kassel / Ostfildern 2001, ISBN 3-7757-1121-X

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