Lars Löhn

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Lars Löhn (born March 9, 1971 ) is a German film composer .


Löhn has been composing the film music for over 300 film and television productions since 1996.

He composed for Paule and Julia for the first time in 2002 for a German film and won the "Franz Grothe Prize" for the best film music. This was followed by movies like Ganz and Gar , Cowgirl and Jena Paradies .

In addition to cinema productions such as Russendisko and Move On , he also worked on documentary film projects, children's and animation series as well as music for advertising and image films.

From 2003 to 2007 he also taught audio design at the Berlin University of the Arts (UDK). During these years Löhn also worked in the field of art in building and contributed to some works of art and exhibitions with his own sound and sound installations.

Projects such as the Playmobil- based children's animation series Super 4 are broadcast on more than 20 children's channels worldwide in addition to the Disney Channel . Productions in which Löhn participated won, among other things, the Golden Lion in Venice and a Daytime Emmy Award .

Today Löhn composes under the name “Ludwig & Loehn” for numerous German and international film and television productions.


  • 2014: Super 4 (TV series)
  • 2014: Nonsense and the Coati Gang (feature film)
  • 2013: War of the Patents (documentary)
  • 2013: Treasures of Southeast Asia (documentary series)
  • 2012: World of Castles in Europe (documentary series)
  • 2012: Telekom Move On (feature film)
  • 2011: Russendisko (feature film)
  • 2010: Tatort: ​​Home Front (TV movie)
  • 2010: Molotov - The Man Behind Stalin (Documentary)
  • 2009: Between Heaven and Earth (short film)
  • 2009: Germany's Coasts (documentary series)
  • 2009: Dubai. The desert is alive (documentary)
  • 2007: Monogamy for Beginners (TV movie)
  • 2007: In the next life (feature film)
  • 2007: I Got A Rocket (TV series)
  • 2007: Twilight (short film)
  • 2006: Absurdistan (feature film)
  • 2006: The Extra-Terrestrials (documentary series)
  • 2006: Lichtblick (short film)
  • 2006: Full of Fire (documentary)
  • 2005: Elbe (feature film)
  • 2004: Seven Days in the Lives of My Friends (documentary)
  • 2004: NVA
  • 2003: Jena Paradies (feature film)
  • 2003: Cowgirl (feature film)
  • 2003: Va Banque (documentary)
  • 2003: The Treacherous Heart (short film)
  • 2003: The Hydronauts (TV series)
  • 2002: Ganz und Gar (feature film)
  • 2002: Detroit (feature film)
  • 2002: Gateway to Heaven (feature film)
  • 2002: Paule and Julia (feature film)
  • 2001: Starbuck: Holger Meins (documentary)
  • 2001: Pigeon Affair (short film)
  • 1998: Max and the origin of the world (short film)
  • 1994: Breuer's last day (short film)

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