Lars Werner

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Lars Werner (right) is received by Erich Honecker in 1974 during a visit to the GDR .

Lars Helge Werner (born July 25, 1935 in Stockholm ; † January 11, 2013 ) was a Swedish politician of the Vänsterpartiet (Left Party). From 1975 to 1993 he was party leader and from 1965 to 1994 a member of the Swedish Parliament .


Werner was born the son of the communist trade union and party official Hjalmar Werner. His father was temporarily a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Sweden (SKP) . At the age of nine, Lars Werner belonged to the communist youth organization “Junge Adler”, and in 1953 he became a member of the SKP.

In 1951 Werner passed the real exam corresponding to the German secondary school certificate and learned the mason trade. In the following years he qualified as a civil engineer through evening classes and also worked as a union official. From 1965 he was a member of the SKP in the then still existing First Chamber of the Swedish Reichstag, from 1970 of the unicameral parliament. He supported Carl-Henrik Hermansson's course , which since the mid-1960s has increasingly distanced the party from the Soviet Union and embarked on a eurocommunist direction.

1975 replaced Werner Hermansson as chairman of the now Vänsterpartiet Kommunisterna (VPK) calling party. Although he tried to achieve a balance between the various party wings and also to cooperate with the communist parties of the Eastern Bloc , the Moscow-loyal wing of the party split off as the Communist Workers' Party (APK) in 1977 .

After the collapse of the Eastern Bloc in 1990, the name was changed to Vänsterpartiet while he was still chairing the party . The party now gave itself a stronger left-wing socialist orientation, dispensing with the addition of “communist” in the party name. In the last few years as chairman Werner was sharply criticized within the party for serious alcohol problems, in 1993 he was replaced as party chairman by Gudrun Schyman .


  • Wolfgang Leonhard : Eurocommunism: Challenge for East and West . Bertelsmann Verlag, Gütersloh 1979, DNB 800656334 . New edition: Goldmann, Munich, 1980 ISBN 3-442-11256-7 .
  • Alexander Muschik: The two German states and neutral Sweden: a triangular relationship in the shadow of the open German question 1949–1972 (= Nordic history 1). LIT-Verlag, Greifswald 2004, ISBN 3-8258-9044-9
  • Werner Schmidt: Hermansson and the de-Stalinization of the Communist Party of Sweden . In: Das Argument 249, Berlin 2003.
  • Manfred Steinkühler (Ed.): Eurocommunism in Contradiction: Analysis and Documentation . Science and Politics, Cologne 1977, ISBN 3-8046-8536-6 (The two conferences of the communist and workers' parties in Europe in Karlsbad in 1967 and in East Berlin in 1976 form the framework for this documentation).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Left Party veteran Lars Werner dead . The Local, January 12, 2013, accessed July 28, 2016.