Carl-Henrik Hermansson

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Carl-Henrik Hermansson (2003)

Carl-Henrik Hermansson (born December 14, 1917 in Bollnäs ; † July 26, 2016 ) was a Swedish politician of the Vänsterpartiet (Left Party). From 1964 to 1975 he was chairman of the Swedish Communist Party (SKP) / Left Party - Communists (VPK) and from 1963 to 1985 a member of the Swedish Parliament .


Carl-Henrik Hermansson was born as the son of the merchant Gottfrid Hermansson and his wife Hilma Johanna Hermansson, b. Melander, born. He was married to Märta Krantz (1916–2001) and the father of two daughters.

Since the 1930s he was involved in the youth organization of the Swedish social democracy , the SSU (Sveriges socialdemokratiska ungdomsförbund), where he particularly campaigned against fascist attempts to infiltrate the Swedish school system. During his studies in Stockholm, which he completed with a master's degree in political science, he was part of the socialist student organization Clarté .

Excluded from the SSU in 1941, he switched to the Communist Party of Sweden (SKP). Since 1946 Hermansson belonged to the Central Committee of the SKP and at the same time already to the Politburo of the Central Committee. From 1953 to 1961 he worked as the Central Committee's propaganda secretary. From 1946 to 1957 he was editor-in-chief of var tid , a party newspaper that dealt with the theoretical foundations of party work. From 1959 he headed Ny Dag , Sweden's most important communist daily.

Politically, Hermansson followed the party line loyal to Moscow in the early 1950s. He was later heavily criticized by the Swedish public in particular for the veneration of Stalin , which was expressed in his articles immediately after his death in 1953 and through his participation in Stalin's funeral in Moscow.

The severe defeat in the local elections in 1962 as a result of the party's close ties to the Soviet Union was discussed within the SKP . The suppression of the uprising in Hungary in 1956 , the building of the Berlin Wall and, more generally, the Cold War had increasingly discredited the Soviet Union. In terms of content, the SKP broke away more strongly from the Soviet model, consequently the moderate Hermansson replaced Hilding Hagberg , who was more loyal to Moscow, as party chairman in 1964 . In the following years as party chairman, he led the Swedish communists on a course more critical of Moscow. He increasingly approached Eurocommunist and sometimes also social democratic positions. In 1967 the SKP gave itself a new program, new statutes and changed its name to VPK, Vänsterpartiet kommunisterna (Left Party - Communists), which should express the opening of the party to Eurocommunism and the integration of non-communist leftists. Hermansson strongly opposed the entry of Soviet troops into Prague in 1968 and was the main speaker at a demonstration by the VPK against the crackdown on the Prague Spring. In 1975 he was replaced as party chairman by Lars Werner .

Hermansson published political papers and books on the development of communism in Sweden.

Fonts (selection)

  • Det monopolkapitalistiska Sverige . 1943.
  • Concentration and disturbance day . Work culture, Stockholm 1959.
  • Monopoly and storfinans . Workar culture, Stockholm 1962.
  • Monopoly and storfinans. De 15 familjerna . Rabén & Sjögren, Stockholm 1965.
  • Vänsterns väg ett debattinlägg . Rabén & Sjögren, Stockholm 1965.
  • For socialisms . Work culture, Stockholm 1974.
  • Communister. En intervjubok . Arbetarkultur, Stockholm 1977/80 (2 volumes).
  • Capitalist . Work culture, Stockholm 1979/81
    1. Monopoly . 1979, ISBN 91-7014-093-6 .
    2. Storfinans . 1981, ISBN 91-7014-135-5 .
  • Socialism på svenska. Om behovet av realistika utopian . Work culture, Stockholm 1983, ISBN 91-7014-171-1 .
  • Sverige i imperialismens nät . Work culture, Stockholm 1986, ISBN 91-7014-203-3 .
  • Aegean and makt. Vad kommer efter de 15 familjerna? Arbetarkultur, Stockholm 1989, ISBN 91-7014-247-5 .
  • Företagens makt och makten över företagen . Nixon, Linköping 2003, ISBN 91-9720-194-4 .


  • Werner Schmidt: CH Hermansson. En politisk biografi . Leopard Verlag, Stockholm 2005, ISBN 91-7343-097-8 .
  • Alexander Muschik: The two German states and the neutral Sweden . LIT-Verlag, Münster 2004, ISBN 3-8258-9044-9 .
  • Carl Henrik Hermansson , in: Internationales Biographisches Archiv 33/1976 of August 2, 1976, in the Munzinger Archive ( beginning of article freely available)

Individual evidence

  1. Johannes Ledel: CH Hermansson har avlidit. Dagens Nyheter , July 27, 2016, accessed July 28, 2016 (Swedish).