Laura Restrepo

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Laura Restrepo

Laura Restrepo (* 1950 in Bogotá ) is a Colombian writer and activist.

life and work

After studying literature and philosophy at Andes University in Bogotá, she also finished her studies in political science . Since the 1960s she worked as an activist and wrote a. a. several non-fiction books on political issues in Colombia. In 1983 she was a member of an association that campaigned for an understanding with the left-wing guerrilla organization Movimiento 19 de Abril (M-19). Her first book, Historia de un entusiasmo (1986), dealt with the (from her perspective) failure of the government in this process. After publication, she went into exile in Spain and Mexico. In 1988 she returned to Colombia. For her third book, Dulce compañía (English title: The Angel of Galilea) Laura Restrepo received the literary prize Premio Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz . In 2004 she received the Premio Alfaguara de Novela literary prize , and in 2006 the coveted Guggenheim scholarship .

Publications (excerpt)

  • Story of a Fascination (1986)
  • Isle of Passion (1989); La isla de la pasión
  • Las vacas comen espaguetis (1989)
  • Leopard in the Sun (1993)
  • The Angel of Galilea (1995)
  • Dulce compañía (1995)
  • The Dark Bride (1999)
  • A Tale of the Dispossessed (2001)
  • Olor a rosas invisibles (2002)
  • Delirio (2004)

German editions

  • The angel by my side (1997) (transl. Ilse Layer)
  • The Leopard in the Sun (1999) (Translated by Elisabeth Müller)
  • The Dark Bride (2003) (Translated by Elisabeth Müller)
  • Land of Ghosts (2009) (Translated by Elisabeth Müller)
  • The island of the lost (2011) (transl. Elisabeth Müller). Luchterhand Verlag, Munich 2011, ISBN 978 ---- 3-630-87358-9.
    • Original title: La isla de la pasión

Web links