Laurenz Kilger

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Laurenz Kilger (real name Ferdinand Kilger; born September 12, 1890 in Munich , † May 14, 1964 in Wil ) was a German Benedictine .

After studying theology, Laurenz became a Benedictine in Sankt Ottilien in 1909, a priest in 1914, and Dr. theol. of the University of Münster , 1920 professor at the Pontifical University Urbania of the Propaganda Congregation and at the College of S. Anselmo in Rome. From 1925 he was in the Abbey of St. Ottilien, in 1936 he became a father in Uznach , in 1958 he became a father and lecturer for missiology in Freiburg.

Laurenz Kilger became an honorary citizen of Schmerikon in 1950 .


  • Paul B. Steffen, KILGER, Laurenz Ferdinand OSB (1890-1964). Missiologist u. Mission historian. , in: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, Vol. XXXIV, Nordhausen 2013, Sp. 673–683.

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