Lawrence D. Stokes

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Lawrence Duncan Stokes (born January 10, 1940 in Toronto , † December 24, 2007 ) was a Canadian historian.


He studied modern history at the University of Toronto . A Woodrow Wilson scholarship took him to Johns Hopkins University , where he studied with Vernon Lidtke and received his doctorate in German history in 1972 . In 1967 he moved to the Department of History at Dalhousie University , where he taught for the next 31 years.

Fonts (selection)

  • Small town and National Socialism. Selected documents on the history of Eutin, 1918–1945 . Neumünster 1984, ISBN 3-529-02182-2 .
  • The Eutin Poets' Circle and National Socialism 1936–1945. A documentation . Neumünster 2001, ISBN 3-529-02211-X .
  • "My little town stands for a thousand others ...". Studies on the history of Eutin in Holstein, 1918–1945 . Eutin 2004, ISBN 3-923457-72-3 .
  • as editor with Francis R. Nicosia : Germans against Nazism. Nonconformity, opposition and resistance in the Third Reich. Essays in honor of Peter Hoffmann . New York 2015, ISBN 978-1-78238-815-9 .

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