Le Roman de Flamenca

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Le Roman de Flamenca is a court novel from the 13th century , written in Occitan , which was the language of the troubadours in the south of France at the time .


A manuscript of the novel, the author of which is unknown, was accidentally discovered in Carcassonne by François-Juste-Marie Raynouard . Paul Meyer published a first annotated translation of the text in 1865, which consists of 8095 lines. However, the only known manuscript is incomplete; for example, the cover sheets are missing.


Flamenca is the daughter of Count Guy von Nemours . She surpasses all women in beauty, and many nobles ask for her hand. The Count chooses Archambault of Bourbon as his daughter's husband. There are great weddings in Nemours and then in Bourbon; the king and his wife also take part in the latter. An irrepressible jealousy awakens in Archambault when he sees Flamenca at the king's side. After the festivities, he locks Flamenca in a tower; she is only allowed to leave the tower under his supervision for worship. In the church she has to stay behind a screen, separated from the other visitors.

A battle-hardened knight named Guillem hears about the imprisoned Flamenca and decides to win her love. He stays in Bourbon with Pierre Gui, who also owns the best bathroom in town. In the Church, he observed how the altar boy with the breviary walking around, so that the faithful - the the - including Flamenca Divine kiss corresponding page. Guillem then allows himself to be employed by the priest as an altar boy and can thus exchange a few whispered words with Flamenca without being noticed. At the same time he secretly lets craftsmen build an underground tunnel from his hostel to Pierre Guis Bad.

Flamenca feigns an illness that supposedly can only be alleviated by visits to the bathroom. After many weeks of preparation, Guillem and Flamenca finally meet in the bathroom, where from now on they can enjoy their love.

Modern reception

William Aspenwall Bradley published a free retelling of the novel of Flamenca in ancient English in 1922.

The Spanish singer Rosalía released the album El mal querer in 2018 , based on the novel by Flamenca.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Olga Scrivner, Sandra Kübler, Barbara Vance, Eric Beuerlein: Le Roman de Flamenca: An Annotated Corpus of Old Occitan . Conference: the 3rd Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities (ACRH-3), At Sofia, Bulgaria. December 2013
  2. ^ A b c d e William Aspenwall Bradley: The Story of Flamenca: The First Modern Novel . Harcourt, Brace and Company. 1922 (English)
  3. Jens Balzer: Dona Quixota of Pop . The time no. 8, February 14, 2019, page 43