Leghorn (chicken)

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Leghorn - hen and rooster
BDRG - Standard No.
origin United States of America
year 1850; in Europe since 1910
colour White
Weight Cock 2.0 to 2.7 kg

Hen 1.7 to 2.2 kg

Laying output per year 200 eggs
Eggshell color White
Egg weight 55 g
List of breeds of chicken

The Leghorn , according BDRG American Leghorn , is from the Italians derived domestic chicken breed that in the United States in the 19th century. Of white Italian country chickens were bred.


The name comes from the Italian port city of Livorno (English: Leghorn) , from where roosters were brought to the USA and Great Britain in 1835 and bred. Around 1870 they came back to Europe under the name Leghorn.


The rooster weighs around 2.4 kilograms, the hen 1.7 to 2.2 kilograms. It lays around 200 white eggs of 50 to 60 grams each per year. Although there are several types of color, only the best known white form is recognized by the BDRG and in many countries.

The legs are yellow, the eyes orange-red, the ear discs white. Wattles, comb and face are red. The ridge is on the rooster, whereas on the hen it is often partially. The tail is relatively upright in both sexes, but is particularly strong in the rooster.


White Italians and (white) Leghorns are not easy to distinguish for the layman. Internationally, the names are partly synonymous. Sometimes they also denote a certain direction of cultivation.

Genuine breeding lines ( inbred lines ) of the Leghorn play an important role in the breeding of hybrid chickens . The resulting hybrid layers are no longer pedigree chickens. They are not suitable for breeding.

This light and lively breed with a strong aptitude for the production of eggs and little tendency to brood is the breeding basis of many industrial strains of chickens, e.g. B. the White Leghorn, in western countries.

Breeding background

In the Federation of German poultry breeders (BDRG) and the European Association for poultry, pigeon, bird, rabbit and Caviazucht (EE) are American Leghorn and Italians recognized as two separate races, continue the breed is American dwarf Leghorn listed in White . In Belgium and the Netherlands, yellow dwarf Leghorns are recognized in addition to the white color.

In addition, "English Leghorn" in the colors blue, yellow, gold-necked, black, silver-necked and white are recognized within the EE. In Belgium there is also a standard for “English Dwarf Leghorn” in the colors blue, partridge-colored, black, silver-colored and white. In the Netherlands they are only recognized in the colors black and white.


  • Hossein Ameli: Inbreeding and heterosis effects as well as genetic parameters in two white Leghorn lines (LSL) and their reciprocal crosses that have been subjected to reciprocal recurrent selection for many years Univ. Göttingen, Diss., 1989.
  • Hans Biegert: Investigations on sternum curvature in white Leghorn and partridge-colored Italians. Hohenheim 1937 DNB 570625505 (Dissertation Agricultural University Hohenheim 1937, 46 pages).

Web links

Commons : Leghorn  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. https://www.bdrg.de/mediaarchiv/grab_pic.php?id=120549 Breed and color list of the BDRG
  2. a b https://www.huehner-haltung.de/gefluegel/huehnerrassen/leghorn/ H. Fröhlich: Colors and colors of the Leghorn chickens , accessed on October 21, 2018
  3. https://dom-krolika.ru/de/domashniaia-ptica/kyry/212-razvedenie-kur-leggorn/ Characteristics of the breed in "Rabbit House"
  4. Jürgen Wolfgang Weiß, Wilhelm Pabst, Susanne Granz: Animal production: Chapter 9.2 Direction of use, type and breed. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2011. ISBN 3-830-41161-8 .
  5. ^ A b Hans Zürcher, Bovet Michel: Directory of the races and colors recognized in Europe. (MS Excel document) (No longer available online.) In: http://www.entente-ee.com/deutsch/sparten/gefluegel/gefluegel.html . Entente Européenne d'Aviculture et de Cuniculture, April 28, 2013, archived from the original on June 16, 2013 ; Retrieved on December 2, 2013 (multilingual, EE list races & colors). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.entente-ee.com