Lemma from Frank

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The lemma Frank is a mathematical theorem in the field of probability theory , which the mathematician Ove Frank back. It formulates an elementary stochastic inequality for certain finite families of integrable real random variables and thus proves to be a useful tool for the proof of some results in the context of the law of large numbers . With the help of Frank's lemma, the Kolmogoroff inequality and the Chebyshev inequality can be derived.

Formulation of the lemma

Following the presentation by Heinz Bauer , the lemma can be stated as follows:

A probability space and a finite number of integrable random variables are given
with and   .
Continue to be given a real number and here for

Conclusion: The inequality of Hájek and Rényi

With Frank's lemma, an inequality presented by Jaroslav Hájek and Alfréd Rényi can be derived, which in turn includes further inequalities and in particular both the Kolmogoroff and Chebyshev inequality.

According to Heinz Bauer, the inequality reads as follows:

Be on the probability space finite number of independent integrable real random variables given
plus positive numbers in descending order   .
Be here for
Then for every index and for every real one
the inequality

Sources and background literature

References and footnotes

  1. a b c Heinz Bauer: Probability Theory and Basics of Measure Theory. 1978, p. 171 ff.
  2. For an integrable real random variable is the expected value of .
  3. For an integrable real random variable is the variance of .
  4. A sum of the form is regarded as the sum over the empty set and thus equal to zero.