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The LEMPS and the successor version Lemps12 (L12) is a microprocessor system for easy entry into microcontroller technology . Developed by Bruno Wamister (and above all his students), a teacher for electronics engineers at the GIBB vocational school in Bern . Using various courses , the LEMPS can be programmed from the LEMPS Integrated Development Environment on a PC in Windows or Linux in assembly language , C or with the fuzzy generator. With the LED line, the switch line and the potentiometers on the LEMPS board, you can test programs without additional hardware .

L12 board

XC68HC812A4 MCU, on board programmable Flash - EEPROM 128/512 kByte, 512 kByte RAM , 8-bit LED line, 8-bit switch line, 2 potentiometers, 2 serial RS-232 interfaces, SPI and I²C interface, 4 I. / O ports with 8 bit each, 8-channel AD converter (8 bit), RTC , loudspeaker, reset circuit, etc. PC connection cable and two port connection cables, aluminum shell housing. The loaded Labios operating system enables communication between the PC development environment and the L12.

L12 CD with software and documentation: L12 development environment for Windows (95/98, NT, 2000). Freeware HC12 assembler, freeware HC-12 C compiler, Fy fuzzy code generator. Courses for assembler, C and fuzzy logic, L12 UserManual, data sheets of all components, programming examples etc.

Areas of application

The LEMPS is used for self-study , training and projects in schools and companies, but also in commercial use such as the photo trap project of the Bern Band Cooperative.

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