Leni Behrendt

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Leni Behrendt (born March 5, 1894 in Insterburg / East Prussia as Leni Blasinsky, † November 2, 1968 ) was a German novelist. Her works have mostly appeared as book novels and are considered trivial literature .

life and work

Leni Behrendt's father was an independent master tailor. She lost both of her parents at an early age and grew up with relatives. After teacher had studied, she worked as Privatlehrin on the manors of East Prussia. She married the bank director Paul Gero Behrend, with whom she had two children. Her daughter died of illness; her son in France during World War II . After the end of the world war she resumed her writing activity. From 1954 until her death in 1968 she lived in Loope / Engelskirchen in the Bergisches Land . Most of her 77 novels were written in Loope. Some of them have been translated into foreign languages ​​and one has even been translated into Braille .

The novels were published by Kelter Verlag . All booklets were brought out there in a row bearing the name of the author. The series has now been published in nine editions and is still being reissued to this day.

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