Leon Billewicz

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Leon Billewicz ( 1870 - April 1940 in Kharkiv ) was a brigadier general in the Polish army and was murdered in what is now Ukraine during the series of mass murders known as the Katyn massacre .

Billewicz began his military career in the Imperial Russian Army . From November 1918 he served in the Polish armed forces and commanded the 13th Infantry Brigade in the Polish-Soviet War , since 1919 with the rank of general . After the Peace of Riga in March 1921, he remained in active service until April 1927 and commanded the military garrison of Brest Fortress . Although he was retired, he was imprisoned by the NKVD in Starobelsk, near Luhansk , in what was then the Soviet Union after the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland . During the Katyn mass murders in April 1940, he was murdered in Kharkiv prison and buried in Pyatychatky .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ George Sanford: Katyn and the Soviet massacre of 1940: truth, justice and memory . Routledge, New York 2005, ISBN 0-415-33873-5 , pp. 50 .