Leonardo De Mitri

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Leonardo De Mitri (born August 31, 1914 in Mola di Bari , † July 16, 1956 in Ravenna ) was an Italian film director .


De Mitri, who has lived in Rome since the mid-1930s, initially worked as a film journalist and critic for “Il Globo” and “Il Successo” and made his active debut in the film industry in 1949 with the screenplay for Femmine incatenata , which he also wrote Assistant director worked. In the same year he accepted two offers as an actor and then worked for Francesco De Robertis before making his first own (and most famous) film with Angelo tra la folla - with many of the actors from the previous film. His other films, although well staged and, in the case of the deliberately unrealistic Altair, also remained formally remarkable, without any major effect. De Mitri died at a relatively young age while making his last film.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1950: Angelo and Chance (Angelo tra la folla)
  • 1953: crook with a heart (Piovuto dal cielo)
  • 1955: Altair

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano, I registi, Gremese 2002, p. 146