Leslie Lemke

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Leslie Lemke (born January 31, 1952 in Milwaukee , Wisconsin ) is a blind American musician and composer .

Leslie Lemke was born prematurely in 1952 in Wisconsin and suffered from cerebral palsy and glaucoma from the start , after which his eyes were removed. He was given up for adoption by his birth mother and adopted by the nurse May Lemke. In his childhood he stood out for his ability to reproduce conversations in full. At the age of fourteen, his adoptive mother found him at the piano in the middle of the night playing a once heard piece on television. She then promoted his island talent , because despite his severe disability, he is able to play a piece of music once heard flawlessly on the piano. In addition to his ability to play around 1000 pieces of music from memory, he also composes pieces of music himself. He proves his ability at performances and concerts in the USA and abroad.

His adoptive mother May Lemke died on November 6, 1993 of Alzheimer's disease .


  • Darold A. Treffert , Gregory L. Wallace: Islands of Genius. Artistic Brilliance and a Dazzling Memory Can Sometimes Accompany Autism and Other Developmental Disorders. In: Scientific American. June 2002.

Web links

  1. ^ H. Darius, Savant syndrome - Theories and Empirical findings , University of Skövde, School of Humanities and Informatics. (PDF)