Leucorchestris arenicola

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Leucorchestris arenicola
Leucorchestris arenicola2.jpg

Leucorchestris arenicola

Subordination : Real spiders (Araneomorphae)
Partial order : Entelegynae
Superfamily : Sparassoidea
Family : Giant crab spiders (Sparassidae)
Genre : Leucorchestris
Type : Leucorchestris arenicola
Scientific name
Leucorchestris arenicola
Lawrence , 1962

Leucorchestris arenicola is aspecies of spider from the family of giant crab spiders (Sparassidae) endemic to the Namibian desert. Adults reach a diameter of about 10 cm and weigh about 5 g. The animals spend the hot hours of sunshine protected at the end of 30–40 cm long living tubes under the sand surface. At night they leave the apartment tubes to look for food and partners and are up to 100 meters away from their location. The spider communicates by drumming its forelegs on the sand surface and can feel these vibrations for several meters. The rhythmic movements gave Leucorchestris arenicola its common name Dancing White Lady .

More types

A few other species of spider are called White Lady . The African wheel spider Carparachne aureoflava - also from the Namib - is often called (Dancing) White Lady Spider in addition to its common trivial name Wheel Spider , and the species of the genus Cerbalus , which occur in North Africa and the Middle East, are also mentioned in terraristics . referred to as the White Lady .


Individual evidence

  1. http://www.dearge.de/arachne/doc/1999_10_4.pdf

Web links

Commons : Leucorchestris arenicola  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Leucorchestris arenicola in the World Spider Catalog