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Libranet Linux
developer Libra Computer Systems Ltd
License (s) 3.0 commercial
2.8.1 free
Current  version 3.0 (April 25, 2005)
ancestry \ Linux
  \ Debian
    \ Libranet
Others set

Libranet is a Linux distribution based on Debian . It is a product of Libra Computer Systems Ltd , based in Vancouver , Canada . The company has developed and sold Unix systems since 1984. A first version of Libranet was presented in November 1999 on by the company owner. The last version was released as Libranet 3.0 on April 25, 2005. This cost around $ 90 for new users and $ 65 for those who already had a previous version of Libranet. The previous version 2.8.1 was available as software for free download from the release date of version 3.0.

After the sudden death of the President and founder of Libranet, Jon Danzig on June 3, 2005 , his son and successor Tal Danzig announced on November 28, 2005 that the development of Libranet would be discontinued.


The name comes from “Libra Computer Systems” ( ). Libranet claimed to be particularly user-friendly, desktop-compatible and fast. The Libranet website, which has now been discontinued, was available at Libranet wanted to bring together the features of classic distributions like Debian and particularly simple ones like SuSE or Mandrake (now Mandriva Linux ). Libranet is still a member of the DCC .

From version 3.0 Libranet has a graphical installation routine and is supplied with a DVD or 5 CD-ROMs . Libranet's settings tool is called AdminMenu and is similar to YaST from SuSE , but uses the typical Debian format Deb for the software packages that can be installed using APT , Synaptic or Gnome-apt. Ext2 , ext3 , FAT32 and ReiserFS are supported as file systems . NTFS can be read, but write access is still experimental. 2.6 is used as the kernel and Gnome , KDE , IceWM , Xfce and Enlightenment are set up as user interfaces . The browsers are also integrated: Mozilla , Opera , Galeon and Konqueror . WLAN is recognized and installed automatically. As hardware support, it has IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB, FireWire (IEEE1394) and PCMCIA.


version date
1.9 March 14, 2001
2.0 February 6, 2002
2.7 September 4, 2002
2.8 May 1, 2003
2.8.1 August 21, 2003
3.0 April 18, 2005

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Announcement of Libranet on in November 1999 (English)
  2. Communication on the discontinuation of libranet development from November 2005 (English) accessed May 9, 2007