Licinia (wife of Scipio Nasica)

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Licinia was a in the 1st century BC. Living noble Roman woman and came from the plebeian family of Licinier . Their family relationships are best known through a passage from Ciceros Brutus . Accordingly, she was the elder daughter of the consul from 95 BC. BC, Lucius Licinius Crassus , and the Mucia . She had a younger sister of the same name who married Gaius Marius the Younger . As Cicero says, both sisters were very talented rhetorically and had inherited this ability from their father, who was a great speaker, and from their maternal grandfather Quintus Mucius Scaevola (Augur) (consul 117 BC) and great-grandfather Gaius Laelius (consul 140 BC) . Chr.) .

Licinia married Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica , who lived in 93 BC. Officiated as praetor . One son of the couple was adopted by Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius (consul 80 BC) and has been called Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio ever since . He lost 46 BC BC against Gaius Iulius Caesar the battle of Thapsus and ended by suicide. Licinia had another son from her husband who was adopted by her father in will, but who died as a young child.



  1. Cicero, Brutus 211f.
  2. Cicero, Brutus 211f .; see. Cicero, de domo sua 123 and Cassius Dio 40, 51, 3.
  3. ^ Caesar, African War 79–86 and 96; among others
  4. Cicero, Brutus 212, cf. 252.