Song sermon

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The song sermon is a form of Christian sermon that, instead of a text from the Bible , focuses on the text and the melody of a spiritual song and interprets it for a congregation. The shorter and shorter form of a song sermon is also called song prayer .

This genre of sermon can be traced back to 1569, when Cyriakus Spangenberg published so-called "hymn book sermons" under the title Cythera Lutheri . There are 39 sermons in songs.

In the background of song sermons today there is both the life of a poet and the biblical-spiritual content on which a song is carried.

The song sermon also has an impact on the liturgy of a church service , because the song in question usually occurs in musical form during the church service: it is sung either before the sermon, between the sermon or after the sermon; this can be done by the worshiping community as well as by a choir or instrumental (e.g. organ , trombone choir ). If the sermon is surrounded by a song that is part of a cantata and this is interpreted in the sermon, this type of service is called a cantata service .


Collections of song sermons

Theory and history of the song sermon with executed examples of song sermons