Linha do Centro

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Porto Novo-Ubá
EFCB - Linha Auxiliary
Station, station
0.0 Porto Novo
Station, station
Além Paraíba
Station, station
Melo Barreto
Gleisdreieck - straight ahead, to the right, from the right
Ramal do Sumidouro
Station, station
Fernando Lobo
Station, station
Volta Grande
Ramal de Pirapetinga
Station, station
Station, station
Station, station
São Martinho
Station, station
Station, station
Gleisdreieck - straight ahead, to the right, from the right
Linha de Manhuaçu
Station, station
R. Junqueira
Station, station
Vista Alegre
Ramal de Leopoldina
Station, station
Station, station
Ramal de Miraí
Station, station
Barao de Camargos
Station, station
Station, station
Dona Eusebia
Station, station
Astolfo Dutra
Station, station
Sobral Pinto
Station, station
Station, station
Gleisdreieck - straight ahead, to the right, from the right
Linha de Três Rios-Caratinga
Station, station
Linha de Três Rios-Caratinga

The Linha do Centro is a railway line in Brazil . It includes the connection between Porto Novo do Cunha and Ubá, the place of origin of the Estrada de Ferro Leopoldina . In Porto Novo the Linha do Centro meets the EFCB - Linha Auxiliar of the company Estrada de Ferro Central do Brasil , which connected this railway line with the town of Três Rios on Linha do Norte.


Route network of the CFLeopoldina

The first section of the Linha do Centro was completed in 1874 and led from Porto Novo to Volta Grande. A year later the line went to Santa Izabel (Abaíba) and in 1879, the railway line reached Ubá via Cataguazes. In addition, a siding to Leopoldina was built, the Ramal de Leopoldina . This siding gave the railway company its name. In Ubá, the Linha do Centro met the Linha de Três Rios-Caratinga . From this point on, the railway company Estrada de Ferro Leopoldina bought various lines and sections of the route from other companies and thus became at least temporarily the largest railway company in the country. Today, more than half of all these lines have been deactivated, and operations have been divided between various private railway companies from 1996 after a period of state centralization via the RFFSA. Passenger trains no longer run on Linha do Centro; it is only used for freight traffic.

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