List of airplanes of the Swiss Air Force from 1910 to 1918

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The list of aircraft of the Swiss Air Force from 1910 to 1918 shows ninety-eight aircraft of the aircraft class aircraft beginning in 1910 until the end of the First World War in 1918, arranged in ascending order.

From 1910

Blériot XI in the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace, Paris Le Bourget 2009

In 1908, Louis Blériot designed the Blériot XI monoplane . At the end of 1913, Blériot had already delivered 800 machines. There were also numerous licensed buildings in Italy and Great Britain . Finally, the Swiss Army acquired the aircraft in August 1914 from a person named Lt. Lugrin.

year Aircraft type matriculation number of pieces
1910 Dufaux 4 no 0
1911 Dufaux 5 no 0

This made the Blériot XI-b, with registration 22, the first aircraft in the fleet of the Swiss Air Force . The two Dufaux from 1910 and 1911 were not actually acquired, but only underwent military trials.

First World War

After extensive testing, August Haefeli's Häfeli double-decker and aircraft from Dübendorf engineer Wild were acquired on a large scale. For the most part, the aircraft were used for pilot training, reconnaissance and border security.

Häfeli DH-5 from 1922
year Aircraft type matriculation number of pieces
1914 Blériot XI -b 22nd 1
1914 Blériot XI-b 23 1
1914 Morane-Saulnier 35 <<Helene>> 24 1
1914 LVG C.III <<Schneider>> 26th 1
1914 LVG C.III-1 <<Schneider>> 27 1
1914 Aviation CI 28 1
1914 Farman F-20 21.47 2
1914 Grandjean L 25th 1
1914 Grandjean L-1 25th 1
1915 Aviation pigeon 29 1
1915 Morane-Saulnier LMS <<Parasol>> 31 1
1915 Voisin 5 LAS 32 1
1915 Farman MF-11 <<Shorthorn>> 30, 61 1 internment
1915 Wild WTS 133.140 2
1916 Wild WT-1 134 to 139 6th
1916 Häfeli DH-1 (MI) double decker 241 to 246 6th
1916 Fokker D.II (M 17 Z) 62 1
1916 Häfeli DH-3 (M II) double decker 348 to 353 6th
1917 Wild <<Special>> 401 1 prototype
1917 Wild WT and Wild WTS 141 to 148 8th
1917 Nieuport 23 C-1 601 to 605 5
1917 Wild WT-1 and WT-1 S 149 to 160 12
1917 Häfeli DH-3 (M III) double-decker, 1st series 501 to 512, 519 to 530 24
1917 Aviation C-III 63 1
1918 Albatros D-Va 611 1
1918 DFW CV <<Halberstadt>> 64,703 2
1918 Häfeli DH-3 (M IIIa) double-decker 513, 514, 515 3
1918 Häfeli DH-3 (M IIIb) double-decker 516, 517, 518 3
1918 Nieuport N-28 C-1 <<Bebe>> 607 1
1918 Häfeli DH-4 (M IV) double decker 701 1 prototype
1918 Siemens-Schuckert D.III 606 1

Thus there were 98 aircraft, including prototypes and interned aircraft, in the troops' inventory at the end of the First World War.


  • Urech Jakob; Hunziker Emil: The airplanes of the Swiss Air Force since 1914 , published by the Dept. of the Dübendorf military airfields, Th. Gut & Co publisher, 1st edition Stäfa 1974

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Urech Jakob; Hunziker Emil: The airplanes of the Swiss Air Force since 1914 , published by the Dept. of the Dübendorf Military Airfields, Th. Gut & Co publisher, 1st edition Stäfa 1974, p. 14