List of cultural monuments in Zinna

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The list of cultural monuments in Zinna includes the cultural monuments of the Torgau district of Zinna that were recorded by the State Office for Monument Preservation of Saxony until August 2020 (excluding archaeological cultural monuments). The notes are to be observed.

This list is a subset of the list of cultural monuments in Torgau .


image designation location Dating description ID
Memorial to the fallen of the First World War
Memorial to the fallen of the First World War Dorfstrasse
After 1918 Significant in local history. High stepped plinth, oak leaf base, square stele with iron cross top, garlands on the side, on the front the inscription “In grateful memory of our heroes who died in the World War. Gew. Vd Gemeinde Zinna ”and on the side the names of the fallen. 09289977
Church with furnishings and cemetery (garden monument) as well as enclosure
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Church with furnishings and cemetery (garden monument) as well as enclosure Dorfstrasse
Around 1200 Significant evidence of medieval church architecture, of architectural and local importance. Plastered quarry stone building, originally Romanesque choir tower with a rectangular choir or tower room including two sloping, strong buttress walls, apse in the east (trapezoidal floor plan), redesigned to a polygonal finish in the Middle Ages, today's tower with coupled, round-arched sound openings rebuilt in 1669 after being destroyed in the Thirty Years War . At the same time, the only slightly wider rectangular nave adjoining to the west was renewed and expanded, adding the large, arched windows. Inside, flatly covered, only the tower room with oblong groin vaults. The nave, choir and apse are connected by two round arches. In the apse next to the narrow sanctuary sacristy in the rear part.
  • Church: single-nave hall, closed on three sides, in the nave high round arched windows with skylight bars, saddle roof, concrete roof tiles, profiled eaves, massive buttresses, segmented arched windows, in the bell storey coupled round arched windows with set columns (some with bud capitals), renewed in 1669, entrance portal on the west facade flanked by pilaster strips, overhead porta with the inscription “Jesus Christ yesterday and today and the same also in eternity. Renewed in the war year 1916 ”, above segment arched gable
  • Interior: three-aisled wooden gallery, triumphal arch, flat-roofed hall, groin vault in the chancel, separated apse, wooden altar from the last quarter of the 17th century, simple pulpit from 1663 (repainted in 1917)
  • Altarpiece in the style of the peasant baroque, around 1689, with carved decorations and figurines. The crucifix in the main field is accompanied by assistance figures, including paintings of the burial place of Christ and the Lord's Supper. Pulpit and surrounding galleries originally from the 17th century, repainted in 1916 during an extensive renovation of the church. Organ with a strictly classical front, last quarter of the 19th century
  • Altar device from 1885: chalice with paten, box, jug and two candlesticks, silver-plated cast metal. Baptismal bowl, pewter (17th century).
  • Enclosure: red brick wall on rubble stone base, pilaster strips
  • Churchyard: south of the church alternate avenue made of linden trees (Tilia spec.), On the western border of the churchyard row of trees made of black mulberries (Morus nigra)
Linden alley and paving
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Linden alley and paving Dorfstrasse 2
1912 Of importance for the townscape. Natural stone paving of the street, lined with two-row, alternating avenues of formerly cut linden trees (Tilia spec.). 09286578
Two side buildings, barn, courtyard paving and enclosure of a three-sided courtyard
Two side buildings, barn, courtyard paving and enclosure of a three-sided courtyard Dorfstrasse 13
Keystone on the cowshed ceiling marked 1863 (side building); marked 1883 (barn) Evidence of the rural living and economy of bygone times, valuable details preserved, of architectural and economic significance. Residential house and moving house deleted in 2005, no longer a monument.
  • Barn: one-storey, solid, plastered, segment arch wooden gates, gable roof (new cover), inscription plaque on the eaves (marked 1883)
  • Left stable: two-storey, solid, plastered, stepped eaves, gable roof (concrete tiles), wooden gates, segment arched windows and dovecote on the upper floor
  • On the gable side of the house to the rear, two-storey barn extension (cowshed, rear horse barn): solid, plastered, segmented arched windows, gable roof (new cover), two entrances, straight ceiling inside, three aisles, square pillars
  • Enclosure: three square gate pillars, wooden gate and people's gate, solid enclosure wall, plastered
  • Residential house (marked 1863): two-storey, rectangular windows, solid, plastered, saddle roof, interlocking tiles, old lattice windows in the gable triangle, entrance porch on the eaves
  • In front of the left stable there is a single-storey pull-out house: solid, plastered, rectangular windows with narrow bezels, stepped eaves, steep gable roof, brickwork tiles, old roof structure, clay walls inside
Barn, pigeon house and enclosure of a three-sided courtyard and courtyard paving Dorfstrasse 15
2nd half of the 19th century Testimony to rural living and economic practices, of architectural and economic importance, stable not a monument.
  • Barn: one-story, quarry stone, wooden gates (two segment arch gates), gable roof, beaver tail covering, profiled eaves
  • Pigeon house: two-storey, brick, segmental arch entrance, gable roof, beaver tail covering
  • Enclosure: square gate pillars, people gate, plastered brick wall
Former school and teacher's residence
Former school and teacher's residence Dorfstrasse 18
1906 Today municipal office, of local historical importance. Single-storey, rubble stone base, gable roof (new beaver tail covering), street-side high dwelling with a crooked hipped roof, all in all solid, plastered, red brick structure (corner pilasters, window sockets, stepped eaves cornice), segmented arched entrance with staircase, wooden entrance door with end stone in the gable, drilled segmented arched windows staggered triple windows and arched windows, segment arch cellar windows. 09286563
Inscription plaque on a residential building
Inscription plaque on a residential building Dorfstrasse 25
Around 1855 Local historical significance. Rectangular sandstone inscription plaque on the eaves side of the house "After the conflagration on the night of December 8th to 9th, 1854 erected again on June 8th, 1855 by the landlord Johann Christian Heinrich Buhle.", Left: "How this house was created from the fire , Be it placed in God's hand, Who holds everything. ”, As well as on the right side“ And whoever goes here and in, He wants to be a refuge and guardian. Psalm 127 v. 13 ”. 09286562
Stable wing on the ground floor of the western side building
Stable wing on the ground floor of the western side building Dorfstrasse 40a
Around 1900 Vaulted stable, building-historically remarkable component. Residential house (marked 1899), stable, side building (except for the vaulted stable), barn and enclosure as well as the paving of the three-sided courtyard were painted in 2007.
  • Left stable or side building (renovated in 2002): two-storey, ground floor red clinker brick, upper floor plastered, toothed belt cornice (clinker brick), gable roof, beaver tail covering (new), gable-side wide roof overhang over terrace or balcony, eaves side three widened mid-level houses with gable roof, inside two-aisled on the ground floor, Prussian cap vault on iron columns
  • Residential building: two-storey with jamb, solid, plastered, saddle roof, belt cornice, eaves side staircase with entrance and triangular gable, rectangular windows on the upper floor divided by straight roofing and historicizing window frames
  • Cowshed adjoining the residential building on the gable side (now warehouse): two-story, plastered, upstairs half-timbered, gable roof, Prussian caps inside, iron columns removed
  • Barn: one-storey, red brick building, two large wooden gates, gable roof, interlocking tiles (one-storey chicken coop added to the eaves in the 1950s is not a monument), barn passage to the field as a segmented arched door
  • Enclosure: three square artificial stone gate pillars with spherical attachments, gate entrance and gate for people, wooden gate, massive plastered enclosure wall


  • This list is not suitable for deriving binding statements on the monument status of an object. As far as a legally binding determination of the listed property of an object is desired, the owner can apply to the responsible lower monument protection authority for a notice.
  • The official list of cultural monuments is never closed. It is permanently changed through clarifications, new additions or deletions. A transfer of such changes to this list is not guaranteed at the moment.
  • The monument quality of an object does not depend on its entry in this or the official list. Objects that are not listed can also be monuments.
  • Basically, the property of a monument extends to the substance and appearance as a whole, including the interior. Deviating applies if only parts are expressly protected (e.g. the facade).


Web links

Commons : cultural monuments in Torgau  - collection of images