List of cultural assets in Niederglatt ZH
The list of cultural assets in Niederglatt contains all objects in the municipality of Niederglatt in the canton of Zurich that are subject to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict , the Federal Act of June 20, 2014 on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, and the Ordinance of June 29 , 2014 October 2014 on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict .
There are no objects in category A or in category B in the municipality, objects in category C are currently missing (as of January 1, 2018). Other protected objects can be found under other monuments , which can be found in the list of objects of supra-communal importance of the cantonal monument preservation and are not already included in the list of cultural assets.
Other monuments
ID | photo | object | Cat. | Type | address | Coordinates |
08900778 |
Niederglatt train station, reception building 1 | B reg. | G | Bahnhofstrasse |
680224 / 260156
08900778 | Niederglatt railway station, goods shed | B reg. | G | Bahnhofstrasse |
680221 / 260145
08900840 |
Gasthof Zum Löwen | C. | G | Grafschaftstrasse 2 |
680242 / 260611
Infantry plant A05292 | C. | G | Madweg | 679353 / 261245 |
Notes on the legend in this list:
- Instead of the KGS number, the inventory number in the list of objects of supra-communal significance of the cantonal monument protection office is used as the object identifier (ID) .
- A distinction is made between the categories as follows: B kant. = Object of cantonal importance (canton Zurich); B reg. = Object of regional importance (Canton of Zurich)
Web links
- A objects ZH 2018 . Swiss inventory of cultural assets of national importance. In: / Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP - Department of Cultural Property Protection, January 1, 2018, accessed on December 26, 2017 (PDF; 163 kB, 32 pages, updated annually, no changes for 2018).
- B objects ZH 2018 . Canton of Zurich KGS inventory, B objects, status: 1.1.2018 (the changes for 2018 are marked in blue). In: / Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP - Department of Cultural Property Protection, January 1, 2018, accessed on December 31, 2017 (PDF; 473 kB, 17 pages, updated annually, the changes for 2018 are marked in blue).
- Cantonal monument preservation: objects of supra-communal importance, 2012 , (Excel, 606 kB)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Federal Chancellery : Federal Act on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, Disaster and Emergencies (KGSG). SR 520.3. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation , June 20, 2014, accessed on December 24, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).
- ^ Federal Chancellery : Ordinance on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts, Disasters and Emergencies (KGSV). SR 520.31. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Swiss Federal Council , October 29, 2014, accessed on December 24, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).