List of natural monuments in Vienna / Donaustadt

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The list of natural monuments in Vienna / Donaustadt lists all as a natural monument designated objects in the 22nd Viennese district Donaustadt on. There are a total of eleven natural monuments in the Danube city.

Natural monuments

photo   Surname ID Location Description

surface date
1Oriental arborvitae (Thuja orientalis)
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Oriental arborvitae ( Thuja orientalis ) 03232 Vienna , Lobaugasse 31
KG:  Aspern
GrStNr: 1194/17
Originally, the natural monument also included a horse chestnut in addition to the oriental tree of life ( Thuja orientalis ). Both were protected because of their "stately shape and good crown formation" and in the case of the tree of life because of their rarity. 05/22/1937
0BW Upload file Location of adder tongues ( Ophioglossum vulgare ) 06666 Vienna , Am Biberhaufen
KG:  Aspern
GrStNr: 1043/2 u. a.
The occurrence of the rare common adder's tongue ( Ophioglossum vulgatum ) is located on a narrow strip between the Donaustadt power station and Raffineriestraße. 03/02/1938
1Upper mill water
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Upper mill water 06767 Vienna , Stadlau
KG:  Stadlau
GrStNr: 490/1; 493/1; 498/4; etc.
12 oriental trees of life (Thuja orientalis)
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2 oriental trees of life ( Thuja orientalis ) 348348 Vienna , Siegesplatz 12
KG:  Aspern
GrStNr: 169
1English oak (Quercus robur)
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English oak ( Quercus robur ) 436436 Vienna , opposite Hausfeldstrasse 204
KG:  Breitenlee
GrStNr: 116
The tree is characterized by its thickness and magnificent free-standing crown. Standing on the southern edge of the village of Breitenlee, it defines the landscape and is a landmark of the otherwise flat and tree-poor area. October 29, 1955
1Himmelteich with surroundings
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Himmelteich with surroundings 689689 Vienna , Niklas-Eslarn-Straße 23
KG:  Eßling
The Himmelteich is a biotope that was created between 1938 and 1940 as a result of the excavation of gravel for the runways at Aspern Airport . The biotope represents an important biological regeneration area and was therefore placed under protection in 1980. 07/10/1980
1English oak (Quercus robur)
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English oak ( Quercus robur ) 697697 Vienna , Hirschstettner Straße 91
KG:  Hirschstetten
GrStNr: 418/12
The pedunculate oak ( Quercus robur ) had a trunk circumference of 3.1 m at the time of the investigation and was placed under protection for cultural reasons. 04/22/1982
1Dead reason
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Dead reason 718718 Vienna , Donauinsel
KG:  Landjägermeisteramt
GrStNr: 33/3
The Toten Grund is an old branch of the Danube on the Danube Island. 06/17/1986
1Winter linden (Tilia cordata) Upload file Winter linden ( Tilia cordata ) 780780 Vienna , Pfalzgasse 81
KG:  Breitenlee
The winter linden ( Tilia cordata ) was placed under protection as a rare natural element in this landscape area. 03/27/2003
1Weeping Cord Tree (Sophora japonica Pendula)
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Weeping Cord Tree ( Sophora japonica Pendula ) 811811 Vienna , Klenaugasse opposite No. 2
KG:  Kagran
The mourning cord tree ( Sophora japonica Pendula ), a variant of the Japanese cord tree , had a trunk circumference of 1.15 m (measured at a height of 1 m from the ground) and a crown diameter or height of 6 m each at the time it was placed under protection. The tree was planted in 1970. 07/01/2008
1European white elm (Ulmus laevis) Upload file European white elm ( Ulmus laevis ) 824824 Vienna , Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 19
KG:  Kagran
GrStNr: 1066/349
At the time of the investigation, the multi-stemmed white elm ( Ulmus laevis ) had trunk circumferences between 1.45 and 2.2 m at a height of one meter. The average crown diameter was 16 m, the height was about 18 m. 03/14/2011

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