List of natural monuments in Vienna / Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus

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The list of natural monuments in Vienna / Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus lists all objects designated as natural monuments in the 15th Viennese district of Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus . According to the definition of the City of Vienna, the six natural monuments are five individual natural monuments and one group natural monuments.

Natural monuments

photo   Surname ID Location description

surface date
1Pyramid poplar (Populus nigra "Italica")
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Pyramid poplar ( Populus nigra "Italica" ) 09797 Vienna , Vogelweidplatz / Märzpark
KG:  Fünfhaus
GrStNr: 205/1
In 1938, a group of four pyramid poplars (Populus nigra "Italica") was placed under protection in the March Park . These are female pointed poplars with a trunk circumference of 1.50 to 2.10 meters, whereby older female pointed poplars are rare trees, especially in German-speaking countries. 11/15/1938
1Gray poplar (Populus x canescens)
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Gray poplar ( Populus x canescens ) 444444 Vienna , Auer-Welsbach-Park
KG:  Rudolfsheim
GrStNr: 1551
The gray poplar ( Populus x canescen s) is located in the south-eastern area of ​​the Auer-Welsbach-Park and comes from the time before the park was established. The gray poplar is probably the last remnant of the original woodland of the Wien River in this area. 02/22/1956
1Silver linden (Tilia tomentosa)
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Silver linden ( Tilia tomentosa ) 538538 Vienna , Stiegergasse 11
KG:  Sechshaus
GrStNr: .135
The silver linden ( Tilia tomentosa ) in the garden of a kindergarten was placed under protection because of its particularly beautiful crown formation. 06/23/1971
1Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica "Glauca")
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Atlas cedar ( Cedrus atlantica "Glauca" ) 544544 Vienna , Possingergasse 7
KG:  Fünfhaus
GrStNr: 206/689
The Atlas cedar ( Cedrus atlantica "Glauca" ) was placed under protection in 1972 due to its rarity in Central Europe. She was only around 30 years old. 04/25/1972
18 horse chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum)
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8 horse chestnuts ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) 649649 Vienna , Mariahilfer Straße 158
KG:  Fünfhaus
GrStNr: .65
The grove of eight specimens of the common horse chestnut stands in the garden of an inn. The protection is derived from the character of the closed group of chestnut trees. 12/30/1976
1Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
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Horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) 650650 Vienna , Mariahilfer Straße 158
KG:  Fünfhaus
GrStNr: .65
The common horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) is in the 2nd inner courtyard of the house at Mariahilfer Straße 158 in a densely built-up urban area. It was placed under protection because of its size. 12/30/1976

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