List of school buildings in Eilenburg

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This list gives an overview of the school buildings in the Saxon city of Eilenburg , which currently or formerly house a general education school .

School building currently in use in Eilenburg

This list contains all school buildings in Eilenburg that currently have a general education school. The year in which the school started operating is indicated under Opening . It's not the year the building was built. Under school (s) are all listed ever accommodated schools and any change of name of a school in the building. The currently hosted school is highlighted in bold .

address opening district Schools) Remarks coordinate Illustration
Hallesche Strasse 28 1904 mountain Mountain School
Tschanter School
Friedrich Tschanter Middle School
Free primary school
named after the director of the mountain school and acting mayor after 1945, Friedrich Tschanter Coord. Eilenburg Friedrich-Tschanter-School.jpg
Dorotheenstrasse 4 1897 center Bürgererschule
Middle School
Friedrich-Schiller-Middle School
Friedrich-Schiller-Elementary School
Friedrich-Tschanter-Middle School
named after Friedrich Schiller or Friedrich Tschanter Coord. 2008-eb 043.jpg
Hallesche Strasse 19 1996 mountain Berg Primary School Coord. Eilenburg Primary School Berg.jpg
Gustav-Raute-Strasse 1 1911 center Königliches Lehrerseminar
School for people with learning disabilities (in the side building)
Martin-Rinckart-Gymnasium (interim)
named after Karl Liebknecht or Alfred Belian Coord. Eilenburg Dr. Belian School.jpg
Pushkinstrasse 17 1882 east Kültzschau school
Lilo Herrmann Oberschule
Eilenburg-Ost primary school
Sebastain Kneipp primary school
named after the former village of Kültzschau , Lilo Herrmann and Sebastian Kneipp Coord. Eilenburg Elementary School East.jpg
Hochhausstrasse 49 1963 east Hans-Beimler-Oberschule
named after Hans Beimler , Karl August Möbius and Martin-Rinckart Coord. Eilenburg Ostgymnasium.jpg
Dr.-Belian-Strasse 2 1997 center School to promote learning
Schule am Bürgergarten
named after the nearby former Bürgergarten
building built in 1913 as a barracks
Coord. Eilenburg School at the Buergergarten.jpg
Hallesche Strasse 19a 1994 mountain School for the mentally handicapped
Karl Neumann School
named after Karl Neumann
built in 1848 as the villa of the Leonhardi family
Coord. Eilenburg Karl Neumann School.jpg

Former school building in Eilenburg

This list includes school buildings in Eilenburg that formerly housed a general education school. It does not claim to be complete. The period in which the regular school operation took place is mentioned under existing period.

address district Inventory period Schools) Whereabouts coordinate Illustration
Dr.-Külz-Ring 9 center 1906-2012 Realgymnasium
Extended Oberschule
Extended Oberschule "Friedrich Engels"
Venue of the hour of music ; Seat of the adult education center North Saxony; Branch of the Media Education Center North Saxony Coord. Eilenburg MRGE Stammhaus.jpg
Pushkinstrasse 17 east 1970s-2012 Lilo Herrmann Oberschule
Middle School Eilenburg-Ost
Friedrich-Tschanter-Middle School (interim)
Canceled as planned at the end of 2013 Coord. Eilenburg Middle School East.JPG
Dübener Landstrasse 1 east 1980s-2002 3. School Eilenburg-Ost
Primary School "Am Regenbogen"
Primary School Eilenburg-Ost (Interim)
Canceled as planned in 2005 Coord. [1]
Schulstrasse center 1894-1945 City school 1945 destroyed by the effects of the war Coord.
South promenade
(today Dr.-Külz-Ring)
center 1865-1906 Higher civil school
after the opening of the new secondary school from 1906 out of service,
destroyed in 1945 by the effects of the war

Web links

Commons : Schools in Eilenburg  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files