List of stumbling blocks in Illingen (Saar)

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List of stumbling blocks in Illingen

Stolperstein by Adolf Israel Kahn in Illingen

This list of stumbling blocks in Illingen contains the stumbling blocks that were laid by Gunter Demnig in Illingen as part of the art project of the same name . They are intended to commemorate the victims of National Socialism who lived and worked in Illingen. The concrete blocks with a size of width 96 mm × depth 96 cm × height 100 mm with a brass plaque are embedded in the sidewalk in front of the houses in which the victims once lived. The inscription on the plaque gives information about their name, age and fate. The stumbling blocks are intended to counteract the oblivion of the victims of the National Socialist tyranny. On November 19, 2007, the first Stolpersteine ​​in Saarland were laid in Illingen. The initiative came from two students. Rosa Herzog's stumbling block was laid on March 9, 2010, and the Michel family's stumbling block on February 23, 2014. Another 19 stumbling blocks were laid on April 15, 2019. The day before, Gunter Demnig gave a lecture on his Stolperstein project in the Illingen town hall. The following 32 stumbling blocks have currently been laid in Illingen:

image Surname Location Laying date Life
Illingen - Albert Herzog (1) .jpg Albert Herzog Judengasse 1 Erioll world.svg Nov 19, 2007 Mar 9, 2010 0 Albert Herzog (born 1885 in Gemmingen ) and his wife Rosa Herzog (née Gottlieb) lived in Illingen. Albert Herzog was a master painter, Rosa Herzog a housewife.

Albert Herzog was awarded the Iron Cross, 1st and 2nd class during the First World War . He was deported to the Dachau concentration camp after the Reichspogromnacht , but returned to Illingen. As part of the Wagner-Bürckel campaign , the couple were deported and via the internment camps Gurs , Camp de Rivesaltes and the Drancy assembly camp both came to Auschwitz , where they were murdered in 1942.

Illingen - Rosa Herzog (1) .jpg Pink Duke
Illingen - Adolf Israel Kahn (1) .jpg Adolf Israel Kahn at Hauptstrasse 16 Erioll world.svg Nov 19, 2007 born in Kuppenheim in 1876 ; died on August 28, 1941 in Camp de Rivesaltes

Adolf Kahn was the last chairman of the Illingen synagogue community. He was deported to Dachau during the Reichspogromnacht , but was allowed to return. As part of the Wagner-Bürckel campaign, he was arrested again and came to the Camp de Rivesaltes via the Gurs internment camp . He was pronounced dead on August 28, 1941.

Illingen - Lina Levy (1) .jpg Lina Levy Hauptstrasse 17 Erioll world.svg Nov 19, 2007 Moritz (born 1880) and Lina Levy (born 1880, maiden name Mayer) were arrested and deported together with their daughter Olga (born 1910) on October 22, 1940 as part of the Wagner-Bürckel campaign . Both parents survived the forced labor in the Douadic and Château du Roc camps in France . Olga Levy was murdered in Auschwitz concentration camp in 1942 .
Illingen - Moritz Levy (1) .jpg Moritz Levy
Illingen - Olga Levy (1) .jpg Olga Levy
Illingen - Michel, Isidor 2017-01.jpg Isidore Michel Hauptstrasse 80 Erioll world.svg 23 Feb 2014 Michel family
Illingen - Michel, Martha 2017-01.jpg Martha Michel
Illingen - Michel, Gerda 2017-01.jpg Gerda Michel
Illingen - Michel, Erich 2017-01.jpg Erich Michel
Illingen - Michel, Max 2017-01.jpg Max Michel
Illingen - Michel, Liesel 2017-01.jpg Liesel Michel
Illingen - Michel, Gottfried 2017-01.jpg Gottfried Michel
Illingen - Lazar Ludwig (2019-01) .jpg Ludwig Lazar at Hauptstrasse 51 Erioll world.svg April 15, 2019 Ludwig Lazar and his wife Bertha, nee Salmon, lived in Illingen with their three children Ruth, Günther and Kurt. In early 1936 the Illingen family had to leave and found refuge in Nyons / France. The fourth child Fancine was born there in 1939. Werner Strauss, a nephew of Ludwig Lazar, was also sent to Nyons by his parents because of the threatening situation in Germany. Bertha Lazar, along with her four children and Werner Strauss, were denounced as Jews and arrested by the Gestapo on the night of January 20-21, 1944. On January 28, 1944, the group was taken from Montluc prison in Lyon to Drancy near Paris. On February 3, 1944, they were all deported to Poland in convoy No. 67 to the Auschwitz extermination camp and were probably murdered on February 8, 199. On June 23, 1944, they were reported as "deceased".

Ludwig Lazar evaded arrest by the Gestapo. Assuming that the Gestapo was only looking for him, he hid in the closet and initially survived. In the hope of finding his family again, he placed an advertisement after the war. After Ludwig Lazar learned of the fate of his family and his nephew on September 12, 1963, he committed suicide by poisoning himself with cooking gas.

Illingen - Lazar Bertha (2019-01) .jpg Berta Lazar
Illingen - Lazar Ruth (2019-01) .jpg Ruth Lazar
Illingen - Lazar Günther (2019-01) .jpg Günther Lazar
Illingen - Lazar Kurt (2019-01) .jpg Kurt Lazar
Illingen - Lazar Francine (2019-01) .jpg Francine Lazar
Illingen - Strauss Werner (2019-01) .jpg Werner Strauss
Illingen - Levy Simon (2019-01) .jpg Simon Levy Hauptstrasse / corner Eisenbahnstrasse Erioll world.svg April 15, 2019 Simon Levy and Bella Levy, née Lazar, and their children Elsbeth, Marga, Richard, Herbert and Lotte left Illingen in 1936 and moved to Luxembourg. After a year they were deported to France, where they found refuge in Nyons. After the capitulation of France, the members of the family were repeatedly imprisoned in French internment camps. As a result, the family separated and went into hiding under false names. With the help of brave citizens, who were later awarded the honorary title of Righteous Among the Nations , the family was able to escape deportation. The rescuers include the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor, the Gardere family, and the priest Exbrayat.
Illingen - Levy Bella (2019-01) .jpg Bella Levy
Illingen - Levy Elsbeth (2019-01) .jpg Elsbeth Levy
Illingen - Levy Marga (2019-01) .jpg Marga Levy
Illingen - Levy Richard (2019-01) .jpg Richard Levy
Illingen - Levy Herbert Moritz (2019-01) .jpg Herbert Moritz Levy
Illingen - Levy Lotte (2019-01) .jpg Lotte Levy
Illingen - Levy Regina (2019-01) .jpg Regina Levy Judengasse 1 Erioll world.svg April 15, 2019 Levy family
Illingen - Levy Leo (2019-01) .jpg Leo Levy
Illingen - Levy Kurt (2019-01) .jpg Kurt Levy
Illingen - Levy Alice (2019-01) .jpg Alice Levy
Illingen - Levy Claudette (2019-01) .jpg Claudette Levy

Web links

Commons : Stolpersteine ​​in Illingen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Aspects: The memorial project "Stolpersteine" by Gunter Demnig - a growing monument in public space. Documentation of the "stumbling blocks" laid in Saarland. Artist Lexicon Saar, accessed on April 19, 2019 .
  2. Andreas Engel: The Michel family has not been forgotten. Saarbrücker Zeitung, February 24, 2014, accessed on April 19, 2019 .
  3. Andreas Engel: Small hurdles against forgetting. Saarbrücker Zeitung, April 16, 2019, accessed on April 19, 2019 .
  4. ^ Illingen, Demnig, Stolperstein, Kahn, Adolf. Saar Art Lexicon, accessed on April 19, 2019 .
  5. ^ Illingen, Demnig, Stolperstein, Levy, Moritz, Lina and Olga. Saar Art Lexicon, accessed on April 19, 2019 .
  6. a b Speech manuscript by Max and Gérard Michel at the speech on April 15, 2019 in Illingen and research by the Historisches Verein Illingen.