List of Chilean ambassadors in Poland

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The Chilean Embassy is located at Ulica Okrezna 62 in Warsaw .


After the partitions of Poland ended in 1919, the governments of Poland and Chile established diplomatic relations.

The Chilean embassy changed its location several times: from 1924 to 1929 it was in Shukhov al. Szucha 6, 1930 in ulica Mokotowska 14, from 1932 in Ujazdowskie 9am 12, 1971 in ulica Świętokrzyska 36, ​​from 1990 to 1994 in ulica Morszyriska 71b and from 1994 to 1996 in ulica Sueskiej 2.

From June 1926 Horacio Eyzaguirre had Rouse (born January 10, 1888 in Santiago de Chile ) and from February 1928 to 1936 Federico W. Jacob had Exequatur as consul for the Free City of Danzig .

Appointed Surname Remarks appointed during the reign of accredited during the government of Leave post
July 31, 1922 Carlos Muñoz Hurtado Chargé married to María Teresa Larraín Carlos. 1918 exequatur as consul general at 14 rue des Tranchées in Geneva, administrative district of Switzerland . Accredited in Prague on May 10, 1922 . Arturo Alessandri Palma Józef Piłsudski
May 22, 1924 Carlos Becerra Chargé d'affaires Luis Altamirano Stanisław Wojciechowski
Feb. 1931 Francisco Madrid Arellano Chargé (* 1899) 17 July 1935: Extraordinario y Ministro de Plenipotenciario Bucharest Pedro Opazo Ignacy Mościcki
July 19, 1935 Jorge Huebner Bezanilla Chargé d'affaires Carlos Dávila Ignacy Mościcki
Aug 1936 Alfred Pacini Chargé d'affaires Carlos Dávila Ignacy Mościcki
1940 Hector Briones-Luco Chargé d'affaires Pedro Aguirre Cerda Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz
1942 Leon Subercaseaux Chargé d'affaires Juan Antonio Rios Morales Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz
July 2, 1965 Romón Sotomayor Chargé d'affaires Eduardo Frei Montalva Edward Ochab
Feb. 2, 1966 Victor Jadresic Vargas Eduardo Frei Montalva Edward Ochab
Nov 17, 1968 Douglas Gordon-Orr Chargé d'affaires Eduardo Frei Montalva Marian Spychalski
16 Sep 1969 Julián Echavarría Elorza Eduardo Frei Montalva Marian Spychalski
Feb. 24, 1971 Ricardo Tarud Daccarett Salvador Allende Gossens Jozef Cyrankiewicz
Oct 10, 1973 Break in relationships Protecting power : Brazil Augusto Pinochet Henryk Jabłoński March 11, 1990
March 13, 1990 Jaime Lagos Erazo Chargé d'affaires Patricio Aylwin Azócar Wojciech Jaruzelski
Aug 30, 1990 Maximo Lira Alcayaga Patricio Aylin Azócar Wojciech Jaruzelski
June 29, 1994 Sergio Eduardo Fernandez Aguayo Eduardo Frei Ruz-Tagle Lech Wałęsa
Aug 19, 1997 Vicente Sanchez San Cristobal Eduardo rei Ruiz-Tagle Aleksander Kwaśniewski
June 20, 2000 Fabio Vio Ugarte Ricardo Laos Escobar Aleksander Kwaśniewski
Sep 24 2002 Leopoldo Duran Valdes Ricardo Lagos Escobar Aleksander Kwaśniewski
Dec 14, 2003 Marcelo Muñoz Tolhuysen Chargé d'affaires Ricardo Lagos Escobar Aleksander Kwaśniewski
Aug 17, 2004 Jose Manuel Ovalle Bravo Ricardo Lagos Escobar Aleksander Kwaśniewski
June 2008 José Manuel Silva Vidaurre (* April 15, 1954 in Tokyo ) Michelle Bachelet Lech Kaczyński

Individual evidence

  1. José Manuel Silva Vidaurre
  2. ^ Krzysztof Szczepanik, Anna Herman-Łukasik, Barbara Janicka: Stosunki dyplomatyczne Polski: informator . Ameryka Północna Wydawn. Askon, Poland 2007, p. 42