Luis Altamirano

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Luis Altamirano

Luis Altamirano Talavera (* 1876 in Concepción ; † 1938 ) was a Chilean general and politician . He served briefly as the dictatorial president of his country.

Altamirano made a career as an officer , which also took him into politics in 1924. As Army General , he chaired the Comité Ejecutivo , which vehemently represented the interests of the army towards President Arturo Alessandri in the meeting in the La Moneda presidential palace on September 5, 1924. When Alessandri had to resign on September 11, 1924 under pressure from the army leadership, the victorious military junta proclaimed General Altamirano as the new president, who immediately formed a cabinet in the interests of the army. He himself kept the portfolio of the Ministry of the Interior, which Alessandri had given him shortly before his own resignation.

The junta under Altamirano dissolved the Congress and ruled by dictatorial means until January 23, 1925. Then the differences within the military leadership increased, for three days in January Pedro Pablo Dartnell Encina took over the chairmanship of the junta, and from January 27th In 1925 the elected President Alessandri, whom General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo had called back from his European exile, ruled again .

Little is known about the other years in Luis Altamirano's life.