List of French MPs from Cochinchina

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Cochinchina , the southern third of Vietnam , was a colony of France from 1862 to 1949 . During the Third Republic , from 1881 to 1940, the colony had the right to send a deputy to the Chamber of Deputies (the lower house of the National Assembly ). The other French colonies also had the same rights, but not the other parts of French Indochina ( Annam , Tonkin , Cambodia, Laos), as these were protectorates that were formally not part of the French state.

Only French men who were registered in the electoral roll were eligible to vote, not Vietnamese. The number of voters was therefore relatively small: In the first election in 1881 1,398 French were eligible to vote, in the last election in 1936 the two candidates received a total of 3,128 votes.

The following list of French MPs from Cochinchina includes everyone who represented the colony in the Chamber of Deputies.

Surname time Legislative periods fraction Life dates Remarks
Jules Blancsubé 1881-1888 III., IV. Union republicaine 1834-1888 previously Mayor of Saigon ; died in office
Henry Ternisien 1888 IV. - 1847-1896
Charles Le Myre de Vilers 1889-1902 V., VI., VII. - 1833-1918 previously Governor General of Cochinchina and General Resident of Madagascar
François Deloncle 1902-1910 VIII., IX. Gauche démocratique 1856-1922 before and afterwards MP for Basses-Alpes
Pierre-Paul Pâris 1910-1914 X. Républicains radicaux-socialistes 1860-1943
Ernest Outrey 1914-1936 XI., XII., XIII., XIV., XV. Gauche radicale (now non-attached and Gauche républicaine démocratique ) 1863-1941 previously Résident Supérieur in Laos and then Cambodia
Jean de Beaumont 1936-1942 XVI. - 1904-2002 Olympic marksman in 1924 , later chairman of the French NOK

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