List of Estonian newspapers
This list shows the main newspapers in Estonia . The edition (as of August 2009) is given in brackets.
National daily newspapers
- Äripäev , business newspaper (14,400)
- Eesti Päevaleht (31,300)
- Postimees (57,300)
- Õhtuleht , tabloid (55,200)
Regional newspapers
- Elva Postipoiss (1600)
- Harju Ekspress (5000)
- Hiiu Leht (2900)
- Infopress (7500)
- Järva Teataja (5000)
- Koit (3200)
- Kurjer (6000)
- Lääne Elu (4200)
- Meie Maa (7300)
- Narva (11,000)
- Nadaline (3100)
- Grandma Saar (4500)
- Pőhjarannik / Severnoje Poberezje (7300)
- Pärnu Postimees (14,000)
- Sakala (9800)
- Sillamjaeski Vestnik (1000)
- Sőnumitooja (1900)
- Valgamaalane (3100)
- Vali Uudised (2000)
- Virumaa Teataja (7300)
- Viru prospectus (3200)
- Vooremaa (2700)
- Vőrumaa Teataja (4800)
National weekly newspapers
- Delovője Vedomosti (4400)
- Den za Dnjom (13,100)
- Eesti Ekspress (35,200)
- Komsomolskaya Pravda (15,000)
- Maaleht (42,000)
- MK-Estonia (11,000)
Trade newspapers (weekly papers)
- Eesti Kirik (2100), Lutheran church newspaper
- Sirp (4900), Culture
- Terviseleht (3000), health
- Õpetajate Leht (3300), pedagogy
Free newspapers
- Tallinna Linnaleht, Estonian-speaking (30,000)
- Tallinna Linnaleht, Russian-speaking (20,000)
- Tartu-Pärnu Linnaleht (24,000)
Foreign language newspapers (Baltic States)
- The Baltic Times , English-language weekly newspaper
- Baltic Rundschau , German-language monthly newspaper
- Валкъ , Russian-language newspaper
Historical newspapers (selection)
- Päevaleht (1905–1940) , Estonian daily newspaper 1905–1940
- Rahva Hääl , former organ of the Communist Party of Estonia
- Rahvaleht , Estonian independent newspaper 1923–1940
- Uus Eesti , Estonian daily newspaper 1935–1940
- Vaba Maa , Estonian daily newspaper 1918–1938
Web links
- Digitized newspaper editions ( Digiteeritud Eesti Ajalehed )