List of French fighter pilots in World War I.

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The list of French fighter pilots in World War I lists fighter pilots of the French Aéronautique Militaire in the First World War , which lasted from 1914 to 1918 , who scored more than 20 kills.


The table contains the French aviators with more than 20 confirmed kills

  • Surname
  • Rank
  • Number of confirmed plus unconfirmed aerial victories (L)
  • Awards
  • unit
  • Date of death (†)

Note: The list can be sorted : By clicking on a column header, the list is sorted according to this column, clicking twice reverses the sorting.

Surname image rank L. Award Escadrille
René Fonck René Fonck 02.jpg Colonel 75 Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG, BCdeG, MC, MM C.47, N.3, SPA.103, June 18, 1953
Georges Guynemer Georges Guynemer 1917.jpg Capitaine 52 Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG, DSO, OLII N.3 / MS 3, Spa.3 Sep 11 1917 (missing)
Charles Nungesser Charles Nungesser.jpg Lieutenant 43 Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG, DSC, MC, BCdeG N.65, SPA.65, V.106, V.116 0May 8, 1927 (missing)
Georges Madon Georges Madon.jpg Capitaine 41 Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG BL.30, MF.218, N.38, / SPA.38 Nov 11, 1924 (crashed)
Maurice Boyau Lieutenant 35 Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG N.77 16 Sep 1918 (fallen)
Michel Coiffard Michel Coiffard.jpg Lieutenant 34 Ch. LH, MéM, MC N.154, SPA.154 Oct. 29, 1918 (fallen)
Léon Bourjade Lieutenant 28 Ch. LH, CdeG N.152 / SPA.152 Oct 22, 1924
Armand Pinsard Capitaine 27 Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG, MC MS.23, N.26, SPA.23 May 10, 1953
René Dorme René Dorme-1917.JPG Sous lieutenant 27 Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG, MC N.3 / SPA.3 May 25, 1917 (fallen)
Gabriel Guerin Sous lieutenant 23 Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG SPA.15, SPA.88 01 Aug 1918 (fallen)
Marcel Haegelen Sous lieutenant 22nd Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG F.8, N.3, SPA.89, SPA.100 May 24, 1950
Alfred Heurteaux Alfred Heurteaux-1917.JPG Capitaine 21st Ch. LH, CdeG MS.26, MS.38, N.3 / SPA.3 Dec 30, 1985
Petar Marinovich Lieutenant 21st Ch. LH, MéM, CdeG SPA.94 0December 2, 1919 (crashed)
Albert Deullin Albert Deullin, Gustave Douchy, 1921.jpg Capitaine 20th Ch. LH, CdeG MF.62, N.3, SPA.73, Group de Combat 19 May 29, 1923 (crashed)

List of the most important awards

abbreviation designation Award provision
BCdeG Croix de guerre (Belgium) Belgian war award, was also given to soldiers from other nations
CdeG Croix de guerre War award, was also given to soldiers from other nations
Ch. LH Chevalier de Legion d'honneur High distinction awarded for outstanding services in the civil and military fields
DSC Distinguished Service Cross second highest US war award for acts of valor
DSO Distinguished Service Order second highest British war award for acts of valor
MC Military Cross British war award for acts of valor in the field of land forces
MéM Médaille militaire French war award for NCOs and men
MM Military Medal British war award, was also given to soldiers from other nations

On the French side, a total of 2049 enemy aircraft and 357 tethered balloons were destroyed during World War I. In contrast, there were 3,500 dead; in addition there were 3,000 wounded and missing. Another 2,000 soldiers lost their lives in accidents.


  • Whitehouse, Arch: Fliegerasse 1914–1918, Motorbuch-Verlag Stuttgart 1970
  • Porret, Daniel: Les "As" français de la Grande Guerre, SHAA, 1983, 2 volumes (French)

Web links

See also