List of military properties in Lübeck

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This list shows military installations and buildings in Lübeck .

location Names / designations Built use Special features and comments Illustrations
At airfield 1 ( Lübeck-St. Jürgen ) Commanders villa of the Hanseatic barracks 1936/37 Canceled in 2014
WP Kommandantenvilla.jpg
At airfield 4 ( Lübeck-St. Jürgen ) Hanseatic barracks
  • Lübeck-Blankensee Air Base (1935–1945)
  • RAF Lübeck (1945–1950)
  • Since 1995 training park of the Lübeck building guild
  • 1960–1993 German Armed Forces
  • 1951–1960 Federal Border Guard
  • 1945–1950 Royal Air Force and refugee shelter
  • 1935–1945 Air Force
WP Hanseatic Barracks 2.jpg
WP Hanseatic Barracks 1.jpg
At the shooting ranges (in the Wesloer Tannen forest area, Lübeck-St. Gertrud ) Shooting ranges 1897 Of the shooting ranges that were abandoned in 1945, only elongated depressions in the ground and isolated remains of buildings can be found in the forest.
WP shooting ranges Wesloe.jpg
Burgfeld ( Lübeck-St. Gertrud ) Barracks hospital 1914 The last barracks of the former hospital were demolished in 1952.
HL Damals - Bl Entire Overview.jpg
Fackenburger Allee ( Lübeck-St. Lorenz ) Barracks Fackenburger Allee / old barracks
  • Hindenburg barracks
  • Adolf Hitler Barracks (–1945)
  • Bedford Barracks (1945-1949)
1871 After the First World War, the barracks of the Security Police used Canceled in 1976
HL Damals - KFA Rueckansicht.jpg
Hüxtertorallee 2 ( Lübeck-St. Jürgen ) Officers' mess 1906/07
IR Lübeck 002 - Casino.jpg
Katharinenstrasse 11 ( Lübeck-St. Lorenz ) On-site hospital 1874 Canceled in 1981
WP Katharinenstrasse 11.jpg
Meesenring 1–17 ( Lübeck-St. Gertrud ) Meesen barracks
  • Rugby Barracks (1945-1949)
1897 (expanded in 1935) When Lossberg died, a state funeral was held for him on May 21, 1942 on the orders of Hitler , who did not appear for this purpose, in the barracks courtyard.
IR Lübeck 003 - barracks.jpg
Military Administration 1897.jpg
IR Lübeck 001.jpg
Extension from 1935
Moltkeplatz 17 ( Lübeck-St. Gertrud ) Division headquarters building 1936/37
  • Waterways and Shipping Office Lübeck
  • Part of the Federal Border Guard accommodation in the Walderseekaserne
  • Division headquarters building of the Wehrmacht
WP staff building Moltkeplatz.jpg
Ratzeburger Landstrasse 4 ( Lübeck-St. Jürgen ) Federal Police Academy, property Dr. Robert Lehr
  • Hubertus barracks
Schwartauer Landstrasse 1–5 ( Lübeck-St. Lorenz ) Federal Police Academy, Falkenfeld barracks property
  • Pioneer barracks (1935-1945)
  • Furness Barracks (1945-1949)
WP Falkenfeld-Kaserne.jpg
Schwartauer Landstrasse 7 ( Lübeck-St. Lorenz ) Cambrai barracks
  • Cowley Barracks (1945-1949)
IR Lübeck 011 - Hanseatenkreuz.jpg
Vorwerker Strasse 103 ( Lübeck-St. Lorenz ) Travekaserne (artillery barracks)
  • Artillery barracks (1938–1940)
  • Oflag XC (1940-1945)
  • Norfolk Barracks (1945-1949)
WP Travekaserne.jpg
Walderseestraße 6 ( Lübeck-St. Gertrud ) Waldersee barracks
  • Knightsbridge Barracks (1945-1949)
WP Waldersee-Kaserne.jpg