List of dragonfly species in North Rhine-Westphalia

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The list of dragonfly species in North Rhine-Westphalia includes the dragonfly species as documented by the "Working Group on Dragonflies in North Rhine-Westphalia ".

Species list

Demoiselle (Calopterygidae)

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Banded demoiselle Calopteryx splendens
♂ Banded demoiselle Calopteryx splendens 4.JPG
Blue-winged demoiselle Calopteryx virgo
Calopteryx Luc Viatour.JPG

Pond damsel (Lestidae)

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Common winter dragonfly Sympecma fusca
Siberian winter dragonfly Sympecma paedisca
Sympecma paedisca female andreas thomas hein IMG 2707.JPG
Southern rush damsel Read barbarus
Shiny rush maiden Read dryas
Common rush maiden Read sponsa
Emerald damselfly (Lestes sponsa) male 2.jpg
Little rush maiden Lestes virens vestalis
Willow maid Lestes viridis
2013.08.23.03-Kirschgartshaeuser Schlaege Mannheim-Weidenjungfer-Weibchen.jpg

Feather dragonflies (Platycnemididae)

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Common feather dragonfly Platycnemis pennipes
Platycnemis pennipes 1 (loz) .JPG

Dragonfly (Coenagrionidae)

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Early Adonis dragonfly Pyrrhosoma nymphula
Pyrrhosoma nymphula.jpg
Hooded Azure Maiden Coenagrion armatum
Coenagrion armatum.jpg
Spear Azure Maiden Coenagrion hastulatum
Coenagrion hastulatum 3 (loz) .jpg
Moon azure maid Coenagrion lunulatum
Maanwaterjuffer man.jpg
Helmet Azure Maiden Coenagrion mercuriale
20140627 124623 2136 M.JPG
Bird Azure Maiden Coenagrion ornatum
CoenagrionOrnatum Male.jpg
Horseshoe Azure Maiden Coenagrion puella
2015.05.14.-05-Lampertheim-Sued at Hollaendergraben - Horseshoe-Azurjungfer-Maennchen.jpg
Bat Azure Maiden Coenagrion pulchellum
Coenagrion pulchellum.jpg
Fork Azure Maiden Coenagrion scitulum
Coenagrion scitulum-male.jpg
Cup Azure Maiden Cercion lindenii
2016.08.19.02-Waldsee Viernheim - Saphirauge-Maennchen.jpg
Big shell eye Erythromma najas
2014.07.15.-13-Presseler Teich - Grosses Granatauge-Maennchen.jpg
Little shell eye Erythromma viridulum
Small Grenade Eye.jpg
Big pitch dragonfly Ischnura elegans
2015.06.26-01-Vogelstangsee Mannheim - Big Pechlibelle-Maennchen.jpg
Little pitch dragonfly Ischnura pumilio
Ischnura pumilio M.jpg
Mug Azure Maiden Enallagma cyathigerum
2016.07.09.-07-Bossee Felde - Common Becherjungfer-Maennchen.jpg
Late Adonis dragonfly Ceriagrion tenellum
Dwarf dragonfly Nehalennia speciosa
Nehalennia speciosa LR.JPG

River maiden (Gomphidae)

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Asiatic maidenhead Gomphus flavipes
Western wedge maiden Gomphus pulchellus
Common wedge maid Gomphus vulgatissimus
14 05 2015 Gomphus vulgatissimus - Common Clubtail - Common Maidenhead 03.jpg
Green maidenhead Ophiogomphus cecilia
2015.07.07.-02-Mulde Eilenburg - Gruene Flussjungfer-Maennchen.jpg
Small pincer level Onychogomphus forcipatus
Onychogomphus forcipatus LC0224.jpg

Noble dragonflies (Aeshnidae)

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Little maiden of the mosaic Brachytron pratense
Southern Maid of the Maiden Aeshna affinis
2013.08.02.-14-Kirschgartshaeuser Schlaege Mannheim-Suedliche Mosaikjungfer-Maennchen.jpg
Blue-green mosaic maiden Aeshna cyanea
2013.07.01.-21-Wustrow-Neu Drosedow - Blaugruene Mosaikjungfer-Maennchen.jpg
Brown maid of honor Aeshna grandis
Brown mosaic maiden (Aeshna grandis) .jpg
Wedge Blotch Maiden Aeshna isosceles
Peat damsel Aeshna juncea
Common hawker.jpg
Fall maid of honor Aeshna mixta
2013.08.23.10-Kirschgartshaeuser Schlaege-Mannheim - Herbst-Mosaikjungfer-Maennchen in flight.jpg
Raised Moor Mosaic Maiden Aeshna subarctica
Aeshna subarctica m.jpg
Green maid of honor Aeshna viridis
Aeshna viridis m 3917.jpg
Saddlecloth Hemianax ephippiger
Anax ephippiger femella.jpg
Large royal dragonfly Anax imperator
Anax imperator qtl2.jpg
Small royal dragonfly Anax parthenope
Dragonfly 2org rotated1 VPJungfernheide 070708.jpg

Spring damsel (Cordulegastridae)

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Striped swell maiden Cordulegaster bidentata
Striped Source Maiden01.JPG
Two-striped spring maiden Cordulegaster boltonii
Cordulegaster boltonii female Weinsberg 20090712.jpg

Hawk dragonflies (Corduliidae)

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Common emerald dragonfly Cordulia aenea
Keeled emerald dragonfly Oxygastra curtisii
Oxygastra curtisii mascle2.jpg
Doubt Epitheca bimaculata
Epitheca bimaculata.jpg
Arctic emerald dragonfly Somatochlora arctica
Somatochlora arctica.JPG
Spotted emerald dragonfly Somatochlora flavomaculata
2013.07.07.-5-Godendorfer See-Godendorf - Speckled Smaragdlibelle-Maennchen.jpg
Shiny emerald dragonfly Somatochlora metallica
Somatochlora 1 (loz) .jpg

Libellulidae (Libellulidae)

Art Scientific name Remarks image
Flat stomach Libellula depressa
Libellula depressa qtl1.jpg
Tip spot Libellula fulva
2015.06.06.-03-Lake Pfingstberg Mannheim-Rheinau - Spitzenfleck-Maennchen.jpg
Quadrangle Libellula quadrimaculata
Southern blue arrow Orthetrum brunneum
Orthetrum brunneum.jpg
Big blue arrow Orthetrum cancellatum
2016.07.12.03-Flemhuder See Quarnbek - Big blue arrow man eats little dragonfly.jpg
Small blue arrow Orthetrum coerulescens
2014.07.18.-16-Schwarzbach Woellnau - Little Blaupfeil-Maennchen.jpg
Fire dragonfly Crocothemis erythraea
2015.08.07.-01-Anglersee Huettenfeld-Lampertheim - Feuerlibelle-Maennchen.jpg
Black darter Sympetrum danae
Sympetrum danae 1 (loz) .jpg
Swamp darter Sympetrum depressiusculum
Sympetrum depressusculum 08-09-28 IMG 5990.jpg
Spotted darter Sympetrum flaveolum
Sympetrum Flaveolum.jpg
Early darter Sympetrum fonscolombii
2015.05.24-04-Book blades - Fruehe Heidelibelle-Maennchen.jpg
Southern darter Sympetrum meridionale
Libellulidae - Sympetrum meridionale - male.JPG
Banded darter Sympetrum pedemontanum
Blood-red darter Sympetrum sanguineum
2013.08.23-01-Kirschgartshaeuser Schlaege Mannheim-Blood-Red Darter-Female.jpg
Great darter Sympetrum striolatum
2016.09.09.-09-Anglersee Bruehl - Big Darter female.jpg
Common darter Sympetrum vulgatum
2015.07.11.-03-Mulde Eilenburg - Common Heidelibelle-Maennchen.jpg
Eastern moss damsel Leucorrhinia albifrons
2014.07.17.03-Zadlitzgraben Pressel - Oestliche Moosjungfer-Maennchen.jpg
Petite moss damsel Leucorrhinia caudalis
Little Moss Maiden Leucorrhinia dubia
Leucorrhinia dubia orientalis.JPG
Great Moss Maiden Leucorrhinia pectoralis
2013.06.07.-11-Karlsternweiher-Kaefertaler Wald-Mannheim - Grosse Moosjungfer-Maennchen.jpg
Nordic moss damsel Leucorrhinia rubicunda
XN Leucorrhinia rubicunda 737 ov.jpg

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Working group dragonflies in North Rhine-Westphalia
  2. Red list of endangered plants, fungi and animals in North Rhine-Westphalia ( Memento of the original from February 28, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /