List of Materia Medica of traditional Tibetan medicine

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This is a list of Materia Medica of traditional Tibetan medicine . Traditional Tibetan medicine assimilated and synthesized the theories of traditional Chinese , traditional Indian and Arabic medicine and developed over a long period of practice over a thousand years of history.

Important works on the Tibetan materia medica are Sman dpyad zla ba'i rgyal po and Shel gong shel phreng .

The information is provided with Pinyin spelling and in Chinese abbreviations :


Materia medica from the following plant families:

Materia medica from the following plant groups called sh ("genus") in Chinese :

Health notice

Some of the materia medica are toxic.

See also


  • Zàngyào biāozhǔn藏药 标准

Web links

References and comments

  1. The traditional Tibetan drugs
  2. 月 王 药 诊 - Yue wang yao zhen = Sman dpyad zla ba ʼ i rgyal po (=  Zang chuan yi yao jing dian cong shu ). Shanghai 2012, ISBN 978-7-5478-0929-7 (Chinese).
  3. 晶 珠 本草 - Jing zhu ben cao = Shel gong shel phreng . Shanghai 2012, ISBN 978-7-5478-1018-7 (Chinese).