List of personalities buried in the Jedleseer Friedhof

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The list of personalities buried in the Jedleseer Friedhof contains the existing or former grave sites of well-known personalities in the Jedleseer Friedhof in the 21st Viennese district of Floridsdorf .

Grave sites

Surname Born Gest. Personal details
(and, if applicable, the grave site)
Location and
geographic coordinates
status image
Erwin Christmann 1929 2000 Musician and composer Size 17, R. 1, No. 1 Grave Christmann Erwin.jpg
Franz Christmann 1934 1998 Musician, cabaret artist Size 17, R. 2, No. 7 Grave Christmann Franz.jpg
Erich Habitzl 1923 2007 Soccer player Size 13, R. 1, No. 14 Grave Habitzl Erich.jpg
Ceija Stojka 1933 2013 Writer and artist Size 13, R. 2, No. 10 Grave Horvath-Stojka Margarete.jpg
Peter Kolbert 1954 2000 drummer Size 14, R. 4, No. 10 Grave Kolbert Peter.jpg
Friedrich Kuchar 1940 2004 Politician Size 23, R. 5, No. 30 Grave Kuchar Friedrich.jpg
Franz Massak 1933 1999 Military bandmaster and composer Size 9, R. 12, No. 16 Grave Massak Franz.jpg
Karl Meiringer 1912 1934 Infantryman, German master Size 10, R. 1, No. 1 Taken care of honorary Grave Meiringer Karl.jpg
Helmuth Misak 1932 2008 TV chef Size 31, no. 46 Grave Misak Helmuth.jpg
Johann Nack-Meyroser 1894 1976 writer Size 18, No. 89 Taken care of honorary Grave Nack-Meyroser Johann.jpg
Harald Schweiger 1927 2009 zoologist Size 7, R. 1, No. 10 Grave Schweiger Harald.jpg
Anna Vavak 1913 1959 Resistance fighter Size 2, R. 6, No. 20 Grave Vavak Anna.jpg
Josef Wakovsky 1900 1959 composer Size 23, R. 3, No. 8 Grave Wakovsky Josef.jpg


The table contains the following information:

Surname: Name of the person buried.
Born: Year of birth of the person buried.
Gest .: Year of death of the person buried.
Personal details (and, if applicable, the grave site): Brief information on the profession or the outstanding achievements of the buried personality. Any information about the grave site (e.g. reburial, design of the tombstone by an artist, other personalities buried at this point) are written in italics .
Location and geographic coordinates: Location of the grave site in the cemetery. Abbreviations used are Abt. For department , Gr. for group , R. for number , Rg. for ring and no. for number . The position of the grave site based on geographic coordinates can be displayed on an interactive map (♁) or with a selection of geospatial services (⊙).
Status: The following statuses are distinguished:
  • Dedicated in honor of and taken into custody of honor : Gravesites dedicated by the City of Vienna .
  • Abandoned : abandoned graves.

For the other grave sites, <!--unsichtbarer Kommentar-->information on the duration of the right to use the grave (status: time of creation / change of the respective list entry) is included. This information does not contain any informative value with regard to a possible extension of the right of use in the meantime or about the abandonment or non-abandonment of a grave site with expired right of use.

Image: Photograph of the grave site. Click the photo generates an enlarged view.

The table is sorted alphabetically by the surname of the personality. By clicking on Name , Geb. , Gest. , Position or status in the table heading, the sorting order can be changed.

Web links